
Teachers, how do you deal?

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I'm an ESL teacher. I have a one-on-one with a man who is extremely lazy and ignorant. He HATES to learn and after one year of me teaching him he still speaks in broken English and refused to retain anything. All of my other students have made excellent progress, but he rarely if ever comes to class, and when he does he acts like he's uninterested. This is very annoying and sometimes I just feel like telling him to f---k off. So my question is how do you deal with someone who is unteachable? I also don't like him and find him to be very disrespectful in my class. Just need some advice from any other teachers out there who've been through this.




  1. Just forget him. When he get's older and lives on the street, he'll regret hahaaa.

  2. Behave very strictly with him.

    you should see the movie, "The Triumph". this is exactly the situation in the movie.

  3. Just don't overreact or get too angry with him. speak with him in private maybe and ask if he even wants to bother or be dedicated anymore-otherwise, you don't see why you should be taking your effort on someone who does not want to learn?

    why is he even still coming btw?

  4. It is the same for Children and yound adults in my eyes. They are given the opportunity to learn and you have tried you best, wtih successful students to prove this.

    This is the case for most teachers and my advice to you, and all teachers, is to let them find out the hard way. They will fail the course(?) and then end up no where because of it after. I can see why people can feel guilty if this was to happen to them, but it was THEIR choice not yours.

    Congrats by the way for being such a dedicated teacher. I wish i had one who was this concerned for my education :P

  5. I would take the direct approach.

    Make a "T" chart. One one side title it" My life with Broken English," label the other "My life with Fluent English." Ask him what his life would be like without being able to speak English correctly (which is presently the case), and fill out one side with what he says. Then ask what would be the benefits of being able to speak English fluently in his profession and in this country and fill the other side in.  

    Charting out will allow him to see that you are serious about helping him, after all you are still executing your role as teacher, so you are not giving up any power/authority here. Most importantly, the words WILL have some impact on him- after all they will come from him.

    Then I would give an ultimatum- reinforce your sincere desire to have him be a banker that is able to...(read from the appropriate place on the chart) as opposes to one who is currently (read from the appropriate side) but that it is ultimately up to him.

    His decision will be reflected on whether or not he returns for the following session.

    Good luck!

  6. He isn't unteachable, he just isn't intrested.  I'd kick him off the course,  if & when he is ready to learn he will take the course again.

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