
Teachers drop teaching about the holocaust?

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Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Governmentbacked study has revealed.

It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial

I find this upsetting, but how much worse for the jews?




  1. I hope thats not true. We need to understand the mistakes that were made in the past so they wont happen again. Thats also a stupid excuse. History offends everybody! Europeans are not looked at as being nice people, so should white people skip every history book that involves their history? The answer is h**l no!!!

  2. Unfortunately, this just another example of the failings of a pc culture that panders to a noisy minority at the expense of long suffering majority. Governments are going to find out soon that we ignore the lessons at our peril because if you dont learn from history, it will repeat itself.

  3. Another example of Political Correctness going mental, society should be welcoming all the cultures and religions of the World but it is wrong to have to make allowances with a historical tragedy in order to incorporate those who do not agree.  It is massively disrespectful to leave this subject out, it happened and it was a devastating event for millions, you can't just drop it for fear of hurting someones feelings.

    Do we stop talking about the war because it might upset Germans, do we forget about the English heritage of conquering those weaker than us because it makes us feel bad ?

    We learn from the past in order to make a better future.

  4. This is an old 'rumour' that has been going around for some time.

    It is not the case.

  5. I'm not sure that the story is true. I can't understand how history can be manipulated in such a way. History is what it is,and telling a skewed version of it doesn't help anybody.

  6. didn't someone once say something about those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it i have been to Auschwitz very sad. i think despite what anyone says it should be taught for ever.

  7. Not schools, dear. School. Singular.

    You'd find you got fewer critical answers if you didn't use the Daily Mail as your source. The Daily Mail is renowned for being nearly right but not quite and is frequently guilty of sensationalist exaggeration of the known facts.

    This is a prime example.

  8. "...the government has promised funding for two pupils from every sixth form and college in the country to visit the n**i concentration camp where millions of Jews were murdered during World War II."

    Do not listen to the lies and half truths in the Mail (ugh, spit).

  9. I cannot be one of those who subscribe to the Holocaust Denial!Why?I had an uncle who witnessed the atrocities committed in Belson!To say the least!It had a detrimental effect on him until the day he died!He just could not get used to the idea one human being could inflict such barbarism onto another!In a so called modern day civilization!

  10. It offends many others then the jews, Jehovah's witnesses and homosexuals who were at the bottom, but  i think there judging on how many people follow that religion in my school alone we only have two jewish pupils and over 100 Muslims.

    Yeah there dropping it from GCSE's not from the actual lessons, As we had it taken out of our GCSE's but learnt about it in class because its an important part of history

  11. Two words - "Daily Mail"

    Enough said.

    I'd like to know that the story is actually true before I muster up any outrage.

  12. Well how about the muslim scum that beat up a church priest, calling him a f*****g priest and got away with a fine???  (Yesterday's Metro paper)

    What would happen to someone who beat up a muslim  or any other heathen preacher??

    And how do we go about getting our hands on the judge who made the decision??

  13. From

    School(s) plural is wrong.  A SINGLE school did this for a SINGLE course.

    "the outcry spawned by the Historical Association report is based on a decision at a single school (out of 4,500 in the U.K.) to remove study of the Holocaust from an elective course.

    According to the Holocaust Educational Trust, study of the Holocaust remains part of the compulsory national curriculum for all children in England. The Holocaust is not required in the national curricula of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. But according to the BBC, this has not changed recently. "

  14. If Muslims are offended by our culture, way of life, teaching methods, they should leave.

    The onus is on migrant or non native cultures to fit into the ways and norms of the host culture. This is the only way we can have cohesion in society.

    PC Teachers and Liberal Local Authorities are doing this country an immense diservice by pandering to an unbending,prejudiced and intolerant culture.

    Muslims and Islam in General seem to be offended by -Jews, Christians, Pigs & Pork, Dogs, Alcohol, The Union Jack, British Armed Forces, g**s, Scantily Clad Women, Religious Satire, Religious Criticism, Films, Documentaries, Dancing, fact the British Way of life in general!

    Where would we be if we pandered to all their prejudices?

    n**i Germany basically!

    The Holocaust happened, 6 million Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and others were slaughtered for nothing other than their ethnicity and religion, we should never forget this.

    I also think that schools should be taught about the shocking way Muslims treat Christians and other Religious and Cultural minorities in the Muslim world also.

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