
Teachers of preschool education!?

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What clues do you get, when parents

feel welcomed in your day care?How do

your program philosophy relate to concerning parents?




  1. Always acknowledge and address parents by their preferred name, for some parents this will be by their forename such as Jane/Paul and for other parents it may be Mr or Mrs Smith, etc. It is important to show respect & it will be returned. Always make time for parents to talk to you and offer some where quiet and private should this be required, this will encourage parents that you want to listen to them & shows understanding & the parents will then respond to this welcoming situation/environment.

    However it is also important to communicate with parents as equals - achieve a balance between being friendly and being professional.

    Always be polite and considerate, show an interest in their child/children and be sensitive to parental wishes.

    Organise an interpreter, if necessary and respect that parents have different family and cultural values.

    If you work within the ethos of the above points, you should be able to work in a partnership with parents, who feel welcomed, valued and happy to attend.

  2. First clue, when their children are happy to come in THEY will be too.  Parents love to see their children be greeted first and then greet them wtih a smile.  Biggest NO NO is not to acknowledge them when they bring their child in.  Parents need to know that they are welcome to visit at anytime and that you are never to busy to answer their concerns or talk with them.

  3. they parents always smile when they see you.. always hav something to talk about even though it's nothing to do with school.. they r more open to you and can trust u...

    well, different parents hav different needs.. but we as a teacher can't fulfill all their needs.. the most important thing is that there must be lots and lots of communication with the parents then u will not hav any problem...

  4. Each day greet the parents by their names and with a smile. If the children are going through something, take the time to ask what you can do to help out. Each little step you take will help to build a relationship with the parents and this helps them to feel welcome in your school. We have a lot of security in our school. I always tell parents that the locks are there to keep the children safe but not to keep the parents out. They are welcome anytime!

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