
Teaching Question?

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How do some of you think teaching serves the greater community. I have my opinion, just curious to other insights.




  1. I teach special ed at the Jr. high school level. For many of my students my relationship with them and our life at school is the only consistency they have in their life. They always know what to expect from me and that I will like and accept them no matter what. I have students come visit me at school years later and thank me for my belief in them.

    I think I do some "greater good" in that I give some of these kids a value system they don't get at home and belief in themselves. I have one boy who comes visit me who tells me I kept him out of prison because I taught him that he doesn't need that life, and whenever he finds himself in a situation where his friends are planning to something illegal, he gets himself out because he says it's then he sees my face and he would never want to let me down. He is starting his own landscaping business and doing quite well at it.

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