
Teaching degree fast?

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I'm 28. Engaged. 2 kids. Full time (and then some) job. Want to go back to college and be a teacher (lifelong dream). Has to be online classes but don't want to spend another 4 yrs to get my degree. Any suggestions




  1. no such thing.

    It amazes me how people think its just a breeze.

    There are no online teachign credential programs - well there is a school advertising, but I havent been able to confirm if its legit.

    Go to school.

  2. I agree that an "easy" degree is not sensible, nor does it benefit anyone.  Getting a B.A. online "is" doable, but you still have to get a teacher certification (licensure) in the state you wish to teach in.  Each state varies on their requirements, and this is not something that can be completely earned online.

  3. Yikes!  I wouldn't want someone teaching my kids who wasn't willing to go to school themselves!  Think about what you are saying!

  4. Check out National University...You need to be sure that they are accredited in your state but you can do a full program on-line with them and they have a course a month so it goes really quick.  It is a lot of work.
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