
Teaching my brother to swim?

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My brother has been having trouble learning how to swim for a very very long time. He is ten and he has had swimming lessons since he was 5 and he still cannot swim. I want to teach him myself since the lessons have done him no good. I want to teach him the old fashion way by dumping into the deep end. He tends to be very lazy and very uninterested in learning anything so I want a good method to get him motivated to learn how to swim. Any ideas will be fine.Thanks!




  1. well get him in a life vest put him on his back and make him do the back stroke once he gets comfortable with that take the life vest off and let them go at it when he feels comfortable but dont force him to learn it will only make him scared

  2. If you're looking for a motivation technique try bribery.  Nothing works better than getting something for your efforts.

  3. Get a few relatives or friends around his age for a casual swim. The first skill for him to acquire is holding the breath as long as he can while doing a frontal float, and recovering into a standing position. Everybody should do it, so that he will believe it is possible, because all these years he has already got a phobia of water.

    The next skill of doing the arm-strokes and kicks will be relatively easy. Tell him that if he really desires to swim, he could do it within a couple of months or even weeks. It is all up to his will-power, belief and passion. Do not hurry but give him lots of encouragement.

    Good luck with your brother!

  4. well now. i'm 13 years old, and i actually just learned how to swim by teaching myself. in the little kids pool, teach him how to float. just hold him up and when he feels ready, or when you think he's ready, let go and see how he does. have him hold on to the sides of the pool to practice leg techniques or take his hands and pull him along. if he can touch the bottom of the pool with his hands but it isn't too shallow for him to swim in, this will be perfect for him. i learned in that kind of water, because if you get scared, you can always cheat, and you can't be scared of drowning because you can touch the bottom (buy him goggles :D) when he has it down pretty much in that pool, start experimenting with the big pool. good luck :)

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