
Teen Decapitated in Six Flags?

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There are two sayings now about this tragedy. It's been said that he tried to touch riders legs and the rail.


He tried to retrieve a hat.

Which one is it?




  1. My newspaper told me that he was going to retrieve a hat.

  2. the boy was from south carolina. he was with his church group. his hat had fallen off while riding the batman ride, and he and his friend had decided to go and get it.

    they scaled two 6 foot fences with numerous signs warning them.

    the roller coaster had come at them at 50 mph.

    his friend saw it coming and ducked. but he had gotten struck, dragged by the batman ride, then he hit a pole and POP; his body fell to the ground.

  3. i heard  that he was with a youth group and he and his friend just finished there lunch and he jumped a wall and got decapitated

  4. Yes, he had snuck into the restricted area while the ride was going on. While he was under there, the ride hit him, sending his body toward a support beam, where his body was jolted from his head that hit the beam, and after the body fell, his head was cracked, sending a mist of blood to the riders in the back of the ride, while the rest of the people saw the whole thing happen.

    It's very tragic and very unexpected, and yes, he was trying to get his hat.

  5. No one was decapitated in Six Flags.


  6. at first he tried to reiceive his hat but then he made the dumbest move of his his life, he tried to touch the track then as soon as he realized the ride was coming at him

    then it happened

    take moment of silence

    hope i helped you realize the tradgity

  7. From what I've read, officials are still trying to determine exactly what he was doing, but the only story I've heard is that he was trying to retrieve a hat.  And that story seems more plausible to me that trying to touch riders legs.  But that's just me.

  8. The news report states that he was at the Atlanta Six Flags with his church youth group. After riding the Batman roller coaster, he jumped two fences to retrieve his hat, which came off during the ride. Warning signs were in place, which he disregarded. He was struck by the roller coaster, which was traveling at about 50 miles per hour, instantly decapitating him.

    This actually did happen! It's in the major news links. Not just rumor.

  9. The teen was trying to retrieve a hat that flew off during a ride.

  10. he was just trying to get his cap. I saw it on the news

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