
Teen pregnancy :( helppppp

by  |  earlier

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okay so,

last night i had s*x with my boyfriend, im 16 hes 19,

we had normal safe s*x,

with a condom..

but what we didnt realise

is that the condom broke... and because we didnt realise... he came inside me...

i came off my period 8 days ago..

is there still a chance i could be pregnant?

i don't know what to do because if i am... then i know i'll prob keep it

but it'll ruin my whole family.....

i love this boy, but i don't know what to do..

advice please....

and if i am.... keep or abort?





  1. (im 16) and got pregnant when i was 15 with my bestfriend which happend to be my boyfriends baby.

    ok here it goes....

    the truth will come out when your next period is due. in the next 28 days. if it doesnt come the 1st day or 2nd day of your period week then go get a 1st response pregnancy test ok but dont worry until your next period is supposed to come alright!! and i have a beautiful babygurl by my boyfriend/ my best friend i new him since i was 2 and he was 3.

    im 16 hes 17 and when i was pregnant abortion NEVER crossed through my mind. because you would regret it alot and when you do have your 2nd child after the abortion then what will you tell her or him??

    so no dont let abortion cross through your mind ok because h**l no sweetie its not worth it.... feel free to email me anytime! i can help you out and like give you some symptoms that you might be pregnant.....

    my email is

  2. sorry sweetie!

    there is no such thing as safe s*x

    you could be pregnant.

    by a test at walgreens or cvs

  3. If you finished your period 8 days ago then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Unless you have super fertility powers, you should be fine. It's 10 days after your period that you have to start worrying about. Of course it's not reccomended to have unprotected s*x more than a day or two after you've finished your period.  

  4. congrats

    mommy 2 b

    soz but ur prego

    answer this plz?;...

  5. you could be pregant use a pregancy test to fingd out if you are im sure you will make a great mum.  

  6. yes there is a chance you could be pregnant.

    its up to you whether you want to keep it, raise a child whom you will grow to love and cherish, or whether you abort, and murder an unborn child. its up to you. personally, i pick the second.  

  7. do what juno did if you cant abort or keep the baby if you want it get like 5 tests and a bottle of sunny d lol i luv juno i was on a 9 hour flight and juno was on all the time  

  8. keep it dont blame the child for your shouldve of waited on having s*x especially your the end it will get better in time

  9. take a test tell your bf too buty you one and do it at his house. if its the little pink plus you NEED too tell your parents! either way they WILL support you! plus the dad probs has a job so he can help fund you.

    i recommend you watch Juno - it explains soo much and your parents reaction and everything. in 3 days you will be able too rent it on itunes for 3.99.

    dont leave it too long if you do have an abortion becaus eit will have fingernails and a beating heart (which means it can feel pain) watch juno it explains all!

  10. Best of luck, but you may be pregnant.  You can probably go to a hospital and get the morning after pill if you cant buy it.

  11. yes you could very well be pregnant that is around the time you can concieve and around the time you ovulate but there is a 50/50 chance you are... the decision is yours about keeping it good luck  x  

  12. if your going to be a good parent love it

    and care for it and not be mean and abuse

    it keep it i would its a lot of work and i mean a lot but

    my friend is 13 and pregnant and i love shopping with her

    and stuff  her boyfriend left her so its kinda weird i buy the baby stuff

    but she is very prepared to take care of the baby money wise

    but her parents hate that she is pregnant so she is at my house a lot

    but i love her ( like a sis ) and the baby so its kool so if you are ready for crying dippers and staying up late at night not being able to go out and

    party and such go for it and if you can not or are not willing

    to stop partying and such then a baby  is not for you and just have and abortion but dont let it be to late soon the baby will have fingernails WATCH JUNO BEST MOVIE EVER  

  13. Heya

    You could very well be pregant, just dont worry as it my delay your period. because it was only last night you can get the Morning after pill. go and get it free from a clnic straight away.

    =] x*x

  14. If it was only last night, you don't need a pregnancy test - just go and take a morning after pill and you won't get pregnant........

    (Not sure what it is called in the USA if theat's where you're from)

  15. How could you not realize that the condom broke? When he took it off, it would be empty or leaking.

    You could be pregnant. Up to you whether to keep or abort - I would abort at your age but I also am not morally opposed.  

  16. There's a huge chance of pregnancy, of course.

    Situations like these are what the morning-after pill was designed for, and the good news is, your boyfriend's old enough to buy it over the counter. He should expect to spend about $50 on Plan B.  Don't dawdle. This is your last chance to prevent a possible pregnancy. It is most effective taken within the first 24 hours after s*x. It will not work at all after 72 hours.

    You need to be planning a trip to the pharmacy today, rather than planning your abortion or the color scheme in your nursery.

    P.S.---please ignore the advice you received to take a pregnancy test. It will not be accurate today, or tomorrow, or the day after, or the week after. You have to wait a rock-bottom minimum of two weeks to test.

  17. Well, if this happened yesterday, run to the pharmacy and ask for the "plan B". That way you'll be more protected against a pregnancy. But you have to go today, as soon as possible.  

  18. it depends on when you ovulate, i ovulate 10 after my period so yes there is a chance you could be. i know this is my opinion but please dont get an abortion, taking the life of a baby is wrong and will always weight on your conscience. if you arent able to keep the child consider adoption, there are planty of familys that cant conceive and would be happy to take a baby into their home.

  19. it's possible to get pregant at anytime.

    so i know this isn'tt what you woanna hear but it's possible.

    n he is waaaay to old for you hunny, he coud go to jail for getting you pregnant your JAILBAIT to him.

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