
Teenage Pregnancy- Help!!!!!!?

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Im 14, nearly 15 & i recently had s*x with a ex-partner protected & it was my first time.

However a few days ago he told me a lot of stuff that has made me not trust him about ANYTHING.

I'm 99% sure the condom did not split & he told me it didn't either.

It has been nearlt 2 weeks since i had s*x wtih him & i just need to know the effects you have when you are pregnant because i haven't been feeling myself lately.

Please tell me some effects that you can get when your pregnant without taking a pregnancy test.




  1. Go get yourself on the pill, and take it.  If you have to tell your parents that you're sexually active to do so, because of your age, then do it.  It's better to be as protected as you can, than giving up your childhood to raise a baby.  If you are not ready for the responsibility, then maybe you should refrain from having s*x. I know you won't, and your parents should know too, and they should be setting you up on the pill....although it has it's side effects- condoms do break from time to time.

  2. well at two weeks you wouldn't really have any symptoms. but after a few weeks you would start to feel sick in the mornings, have sore b*****s.

    & do you really think your old enough to be having s*x? I'm 16 and sexually active so i can't really say much, but just be carefull eh.


  3. well,first make sure if u really like what you think,don't be so problematic you don't even confirm it,first confirm it before you panic.there are symptoms to every woman that you thought ur pregnant but its just because you always thinks of it.

  4. Your 14. And your having s*x with (im assuming) another 14 year old.

    and you trust him he knows what hes doing? ... bad move.

    As for symptoms of pregnancy, strong cravings for things, irregularities in your "cycle"

    Im a guy but i know my shtuff. *so coming from me, stop having s*x with 14 year old idiots, they have no idea what they are doin*

    wait a few years... or h**l even get married.... you have too many things going for you at 14 years old to ***** up your life getting pregnant. IM SERIOUS.

  5. a missed period will probably be your first sign

    nausea (with or without vomiting)


    sore b*****s


    be careful though...if you convince yourself that you are then you can make yourself feel symptoms. the human mind is powerful.

  6. the only thing that you might be feeling at this point would be possibly morning sickness and sore b*****s...Some women dont have either of those symptoms though...You will not be able to know if you are pregnant until you take a pregnancy test.

  7. first of all wait to see if you have missed your period.


  9. Ask yourself when your last period started. Most woman, on a regular cycle ovulate 14 days after the day their last period started. Therefore the few days preceding and following the 14th day are the only days in a month that you can even get pregnant.

    In the event that this is the case for you, you will need to take a test eventually, but for the time being just sit and wait for your period to start. If it doesn't and you keep feeling sick then you will need to take a test!

    I felt tired, and lazy when I was first pregnant, I felt as if the world was carrying extra gravity

  10. its different for everyone but you'll probably begin feeling very tired, maybe falling asleep earlier.  You may get morning sickness where you feel nauseated or even throw up.  If you had a condom on I wouldn't worry too much, you'll just get stressed and have a late period and stress even more when that happens.  If you are 15, quit having s*x, go to school and learn something, geeeeze.

  11. First of all you DO NOT need to be having s*x at your age you are far to young to deal with the consequences of pregnancy, STDS, etc.  You need to talk  to a counselor or something.  For symptoms click the link below.

  12. 14 and having s*x?????? 14!!!! my gosh. so sad the society we have now kids can't be kids :( go to the doctors and get tested and while you are there get checked for STD's and HIV....learn your lesson and keep your legs shut (sorry to sound harsh but not only are you too young you are going to be labelled as easy), your too young go and hang out at the movies instead.  

  13. Morning Sickness.  You'll throw up.  Here's a good one- you'll miss your period.


    If you need more help, apparently you could watch "The Secret Life of an American Teenager" because we all know the TV can also be known as the redneck learning box.

  14. You can google pregnancy symptoms if you really want to know. For the most part, I wouldn't worry. Wait until you've missed a period before you begin sweating it.

    Also, you're really young...ALWAYS make a guy use protection. Don't have s*x with just anyone. The truth is that kids your age aren't nearly emotionally ready for responsibility that comes with s*x. Boys your age are only interested in having s*x, not relationships.

    Value yourself and your body. Most of all, educate yourself about s*x, pregnancy, and STDS. You're online and have an abundance of information available through the search bars.

    Take advantage of it!

  15. It probally your mind playing games with you. I felt that way when I had s*x for the first time, BUY a home pregnency tester  and stop worring.      

    -Never have unprotected s*x

  16. Yep you're probably pregnant!  It only takes a couple weeks for the symptoms to show up.  Are you really tired?  Well at least you're 14 and already know it all, so this shouldn't be a problem for you!

  17. you are now...relax............

    it's probably just that you are paranoid...

    NEXT time be sure your partner is trustworthy!

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