
Teenage Visitors from the US?

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Hi all,

I will have my 19 year old cousin from the US visiting Germany this summer.

Any advise on what to visit or what might be of interest for her?

Our home base will be nearly in the middle of Germany.

Thanks for your help.





  1. Bring her to Bavaria to see  the famous castle that inspired


  2. Disney world? Haha. It's never too old for anybody. Or she can go to cali (LA) for the beach, they also got tons of other stuff. tons of stuff there. i think you should elaborate more, on what she likes. i was gonna say if she was 21 or older she could come visit vegas

  3. Americans love many stuff from Germany,like: travelling in trains, visiting castles like Neuschweistein, German beer (Warsteiner or Becks) and other drinks (Schnaps, Glühwein etc), shopping clothes, eat kebaps or Wurst, chocolates & candies, cakes (Apfelstrudel etc.)...,mmmh

    if she just wanna try the typical stuff take her to the south (München, Heidelberg, etc) thats what most americans think Germany is, is she is more open she will love Berlin, Hamburg or Köln.

  4. Well, it would help if you knew what some of her interests were, but there are a few things that work for everybody.  

    Munich-- it's got a little bit of everything to offer everybody.  Find out the different stuff in town (the city has a great, and then when she's there, figure out what she might specifically be interested in.

    Heidelberg-- My dad was German, and when anyone from the US asked him for a place to visit, he'd always recommend Heidelberg.  It makes a great day trip or weekend visit.

    Neuschwanstein & Hohenschwangau, & Linderhof-- Yeah, Neuschwanstein's a bit of a tourist trap, but it's a great one.  Every time I visit  Germany, I visit, regardless.  And since you're already there, you might as well visit Hohenschwangau as well.  It's not overly expensive, and the 2 tours nicely fill a day.  For a weekend, you can also throw in a day wandering around Fuessen.

    As for Linderhof, it's just a beautiful place, and the gardens a lovely. If you've got the time, it's definetly worth the visit.

    In general, a castle or two would always be at least somewhat interesting, I would think.  After all, the closest we get here in the US is Disney (ugh).

    My personal favorites also include the Alps-- especially Garmisch-Partenkirchen & Oberammergau, but that's just me.  A lot of people love Berchtesgarden as well.

    I know I've pretty much listed only Bavarian places, but that's what I'm familiar with.  :o)  Honestly,  You might plan a few things (Trip to Muenchen, Neuschwanstein..)  and then find out what she's interested in when she gets here.   Also, (and you probably already know this, but just in case) just about any town or city in Germany has a website under their name-- (e.g,  Many of these have good tourist info on them-- places to go, how to get there and how much it's going to cost.   Another useful one and fave of mine is -- this is the site for all state-owned castles & such in Bavaria, and has tourist information available on all of them.

    Good luck, and have fun!!!

  5. Shopping, going out and fun, visit some museums, show her cultural and historical stuff. Germany has so many nice things I think she like it here.

  6. Shopping, when I was in Germany I loved going to all the different stores, and being able to buy clothes that I know no one else at home will have... Also, the castles, and the unique architecture you can only find in Germany, also make sure you take her to the local food places so she can really get a taste of the culture...

  7. 120 miles per hour on the Autobahn without fear of police is always a novel adventure.

  8. Ok I live in Heidelberg and it is a tourist spot for the castle here.  You may want to check it out although I personally don't think its the best place in Germany but the tourists do.  I would recommend Munich and Neuschwanstein Castle.  (That's the Disney one).  Berlin has awesome nightlife and a lot of history.  If you plan on leaving the country since you are in a central location I would recommend Paris or Salzburg, Austria.  There are a lot of good things to do there.

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