
Teenagers, Aduls only please!!?

by  |  earlier

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why bhas the view point of Teenagers been placed as "hooded youths", who stand on road corners,

with the newspapers and daily news, presenting the thoughts of all teenagers, and younger generation, always commiting crimes.

as there is only a small persentage, staring "gang" fights, using knifes, guns,

How come the media, and police putting this view towards all teenagers??

the medias having a feild day with "Emo cult": Daily mail

and GMTV with teenagers,

please give info on why this is accuring,

Why these views are being posted on newspapers and internet?




  1. I do know teenagers these days are more violent. That's true.

    However, I don't know, I'm only 17 myself, and I don't know too many teenagers like that.

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