
Teenagers ...?

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How can I deal with my 12 year old sister?

... not to forget I'm a teenager myself .. which makes us 3 teens in the same house ..

I have no problem dealing with my 18 year old brother .. but my sis is so like me !! stubborn as a rock !!




  1. lol, just love her, she's going through that "tough" stage of life, puberty... or whatever you call what a girl goes through, lol

  2. what does she do?

  3. Go to Ur FRiEnDS HousE

  4. keep remebering that u are older than her

    thats life

  5. she probably takes after you...if she is as bad as you, how can you expect her to change if you do not?

  6. If you're sister is getting on your nerves and not turning out to be what you expect there are a few things you can do.

    With my younger brother, (12)  I tried to mold him into the perfect kid and teach him right from wrong.  Unfortunately that didn't work at all because he just did the exact opposite just to bug me.  Siblings have to bug one another, it's the law.

    My advice is to be as cool as possible around her- don't show frustration and act as a roll model.  Don't try to control her life(leave that to your parents)  but give her some advice and guide her as best as possible.

    DON"T NAG.


    another person going throught the exact same thing.

  7. ok, if you are a teeager like them, you will understand why are they so stubborn! and realize how much they need to be left alone in peace..

  8. you HAVE to learn to ignore it. that is the hardest thing too though. if you are fighting then just shut up before the anger sparks fly out. dont try to mold her into the sister you want her to be. she is her own person

  9. hahaha i know how you feel i get alone with my older sister but my younger brothers drive me up the f***ing wall sometimes you just hafe to lay down the law with them

  10. Is it harder to forgive someone or ask for forgiveness? I think it depends on the circumstances. If someone just makes fun of you it is much easier to forgive than to ask for forgiveness because asking for forgiveness makes you look like a loser. In asking for forgiveness you also have to admit you are wrong and people don't like to do that.

    If someone does something to seriously offend you it is harder to give forgiveness. It is not harder because you look unintelligent but because you think the person is wrong and they don't deserve it. I think that this is just because most people are arrogant and can't give forgiveness.

    In terms of asking the church for forgiveness I think that it is easy because you are guaranteed forgiveness for your sins as long as you are repentant about them. I think that it is hard to tell the sins to a priest that you no well because they might use it against you. I think that if the church offends people it is much harder for them to forgive the church than to ask for forgiveness from them. The other time I think it is easier to ask forgiveness is from your parents because of the unconditional love they have for you.

    Over all I think that it is more difficult to ask for forgiveness than to give it because people do not want to admit they were wrong and that it makes you look stupid. The only time I think that it is easier to ask for forgiveness is when you are dealing with you parents or when you are dealing with the church. But it is also hard to give forgiveness in some circumstances; consequently, they can both be difficult

  11. offer her dog cookies ;)

  12. Don't pick on her she might turn out to be bigger then you.

  13. try and understand her,

    i am a little sister myself.

    my brother is so mean.

    never once has he asked me whats wrong or anything.

    if you would try and talk to her like a sibling, and a friend....

    she might be actually cool....

    you have no problem with your older brother because he is older,

    you are probably annoying to him.

  14. be cool

  15. how does this have to do with Egypt category?

  16. The truth is , she really just wants to be like you. She wants you to think she is cool. In a few short years - you'll all be married and/or out on your'll miss the days of having your sister around!

  17. give her money everyday, and tell her if she didnt behave u will cut her off

  18. haha I think that is the problem yall are just a like. I have the same problem.

  19. tell your sis

  20. lol just be the best sister to her as you can be so that she will look to you as a role model an she will take it at ease i dont think she could be thatttt stuborn

  21. She just want to be with you. she looks up to you!

  22. be her friend

    respect her

    don't mock her

    take her seriously

    show her that you respect her mind and ask for her opinion for simple things.

    don't argue much with her.

    leave the disciplinary actions to your parents and your brother.

    try to share with her any hobby or find something that interests both of you.

    This is just my imagination as I never had a younger brother or sister.

  23. Preteens are a brand of their own.  Stubborn is a character trait, but 12 year olds are also prone to be melodramatic and generally immature.  Try to get involved with things away from your sister.  Thats all i can think of.

  24. be kind to her .

    be generous with her .

    share your chocolates / biscuits with her .

    tell her some of your secrets .

    in short , treat her as a friend .

    she will appreciate your generosity and stop being stubborn.
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