
Teens and seat belts?

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How can I get my 20 year old to wear his seatbelt? Any suggestions on punishment? I cannot take away his car, he needs it for college and for work. It would just be a greater burdern on me and then I would worry more if he had to get a ride with someone else. HELP!! Thanks.




  1. Maybe buy him a car with a really annoying seat belt reminder if you have the money.  My car (new VW Rabbit) has an irritating bell that goes off every minute for about 20 seconds if you don't put the belt on.  I don't think there's a way to turn it off either, or at least I haven't bothered to find a way.  In most cars you can just hold down the button and fool it, but not mine.  Those tricky Volkswagen engineers are all about safety, even if it takes bugging the h**l out of their drivers.  I just wear my seat belt all the time so I'm not particularly bothered with it, but I could see someone who doesn't like to wear the seat belt getting frustrated really fast.  Otherwise, I don't think there is much you can do other than give him fines for not wearing it, but how will you know if he's not?  You could have a camera installed in his car, but that's an invasion of privacy if you ask me.

  2. If you really think about, what can you really do ????

    Remind him and ask him to please wear them, other than that it will be up to him.

    The more you push, the less he will wear them.

  3. Find out if there is a seminar about driving without seat belts at schools or colleges... I understand he is 20 and probably won't go. Unfortunately, kids don't listen and you can talk until you are blue in the face. The only way he might learn is if he is in an accident and gets hurt or banged up. Hopefully he would start wearing it after that.

    My cousin and I went for a joyride and famous last words were and I quote, "you don't have to wear your seat belt, we won't get in an accident". Well, we did and the car was totaled. I learned my lesson and wear it everyday. He didn't learn his and was killed in a car accident a few years later because he wasn't wearing a belt. And again famous last words, " I don't need to wear a seat belt in the backseat. It's not required by law."

    Hopefully your son will wisen up and wear it all the time.

  4. If he's not already doing so, make him pay his car payment, insurance and gas since he's not acting like a responsible adult. If he's already doing this, let him drive without a seatbelt. He'll get busted soon enough...and i'm sure he's not going to want to pay the citation.

  5. I dont think you could

    i mean he is 20

    n he would prob just not do it anyways even if he told you he would.

  6. It is international law to wear seatbelt. Even if he refuse, he must wear seatbelt. Everyone in cars, vans must have seatbelt on.

    If police see someone unbuckle, police, sheriff or state troopers will pull over your driver and give you fine.

    Even if he rides with someone, he have to wear seatbelt.

    Best option for punishment, you could ground him from going to college party,  or take away his electric devices.

    I remember in movie, Firehouse Dog, firefighter's son got his Nintendo DSL taken away because he ditched classes.

  7. If the car is in your name, take it away. Having to take the bus, walk or ask for a ride will get old really quickly. Wearing a seat belt will start to look good. If the car's in his name, you pretty much can't do anything. He's over 18 and in his own vehicle. You can ask and tell him the reasons why he should wear a seat belt, but ultimately, it's his decision.

  8. He's over 18, all you can do is tell him how you feel about it, and then drop it.

    And don't let him in your car without buckling up.

  9. I knew od one individual who bought a used mini van that had pressure switches in the seats and  sensor's in the buckle's. If it sensed someone sitting in a seat and unbuckled the vehicle would not start. I don't remember the make or model of vehicle and don't know if that was a factory or aftermarket device. But if you could find something like that (depending on cost) it might make him buckle up. Only other option is to let him know how you feel about on a regular basis and any time he rides with you do not start vehicle until he is properly restrained in seat to let him know that you are serious about his safety.

  10. he's 20, the bulk of your parenting is over, call the cops (anonymously) on him next time, a few unecessary citations and he'll start buckling is tight as a college student...

  11. tell him that he'll have to take over the insurance payments if he cannot maitain safety in the car that you obviously gave him. please do not call the police on him, he is your son.

  12. he won't need it for work and college when he is dead. take the car away, you will make him a better person for it.
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