
Teeth Extractions? From people with experience?

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I'm having 4 teeth extracted. They are those next to the canine. Do you feel any pain?




  1. You feel a small prick( needle) that will numb the area.  From experience you will not feel it.  

  2. I've had a number of teeth removed over the years. I was given injections (Novocaine) then asked to wait for twenty minutes while my jaw became numb. There is little or no pain but a degree of discomfort and as previously described a feeling of pressure as the dentist levers the tooth out.

    Having four out at once is obviously a slightly more complicated procedure. If you are given gas then you will feel nothing while unconscious (I always hated the smell of rubber from the mask when I was a child). You might be given stitches as I was on one occasion. These would be removed a couple of weeks later. If you want reassurance about how things will go, do ask the Dentist to go through what is involved.

    Afterwards you will be sore, imagine the worst gumboil ever or when you bit through your lip. However take regular doses of your usual painkiller and after a couple of days it will wear off. The sockets will heal really quickly as well.

    One final thing, on one occasion I fainted in the waiting room after I had had my op. (I hadn't even seen the Bill). Bit of a scare for the dental staff, but I was fine. I put it down to not having any breakfast (I got up late). so do check if you can eat before the operation- you won't want to afterwards.  

  3. You shouldn't feel any pain during the procedure - just pressure. The anesthetic will take care of that - usually Novocain. If you DO feel anything, just ask the dentist for another shot.

    You will feel pain after the anesthetic wears off - just how much varies from person to person, but it's usually not too bad. Take the medicine the dentist gives you, especially antibiotics, change the pads when they get too bloody, and you should be fine the next day.

    If you have any problems or questions, call the dentist who pulled the teeth.

  4. i had my impacted wisdom removed.. those ae closer to the front.. id expect slight to moderate swelling for a few days.. the surgeon will prescribe codeine or oxycodone (oxycontin or Valium, etc) for the pain, but a few ibuprofen (advil) was enough for me... i heal quick and dont swell much.. but you could be different.. i was also knocked out for the procedure. Are you?... if not, itll be a little scary, i assume, but it shouldn't hurt, you'd be on plenty of local anesthetics.  Good luck.

  5. i have had SIX teeth pulled out all in one day before i got my braces. I was so scared, but it wasnt half as bad as i thought it would be. they gave me a shot that would numb the area where they are extracting from (which is just a pinch for a couple seconds, im pretty sure you can handle it) and they also gave me laughing gas (the weird thing is i really did start laughing LOL) and they did the procedure. All you basically feel from now is not pain, but pressure. so dont worry about it. i have dentist phobia (for real, i start crying just thinking about going)  and it wasnt that bad. It all depends on how good your dentist is. If you are worried and feeling uncomfortable, just talk to your dentist about it, and he/she will try his/her best to make it easier for you.  I hope i helped you!  

    and in fact, i just came back from the dentist today to get cleaning. i had a gum infection or something and they had to really dig in there to get the stuff out. and then i got the actual cleaning. this is the second time i went through this this year. UGH, talk about PAIN! i would've rather gotten teeth extractions.  LOL

    i truly wish you good luck!!!!

    ~Sarah <33  

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