
Teeth...? Your experience...?

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I have just noticed a very (very very) small hint of a tooth under my daughter's gums (not pushde through yet). Just wondering from other's experience, how long it took from this point til the tooth actually came through?




  1. My son is 4 1/2 months old and a couple days before he turned 4 months (so like 2.5 weeks ago) he was really fussy for a day.  We noticed just the slight white line of one tooth which was flush with his gumline then.  Since then, he has had the second one come in too (about a week later).  Both bottom front teeth are now sticking up in his mouth, though I'd say they are only maybe a third to half of the way in????

    Take pictures where you can see the little tooth.  You'll be glad you did later because they are sooooooo cute!

  2. aboiut a month depends on how much she works her gums remember its basically cutting through the gum so if she is chewing a lot it could come a little faster

  3. It took a few weeks for my son's first two teeth to finally come through all of the way. The worst part was the original breakthrough though... I've never changed his diaper so much!

  4. ah i asked this question the other day, they all said about a month :(

    i hope i get to see his little teeth sooner LOL

    I bought him some HYlands teething tablets, and I reccommend them.

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