
Teeth whitening. help?

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I have naturally don't have white teeth slightly yellow in fact even though i brush about three times a day. can u suggest the best whitening toothpaste that can make your teeth a nice colour of white fairly quickly and any other ways of making your teeth white? Thanks XD




  1. Commercial tooth whiteners use hydrogen peroxide and are expensive and inconvenient. A cheap and natural tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries but certain precautions have to be taken. I found the information at

  2. Crest whitening toothpaste!  Some people who have taken certain anti-biotics have yellow teeth due to the anti-biotics. Dentists can do a take home bleaching kit and once it is done you only have to buy re-fills of the whitening aid every so often. Also, drinking coffee, wine soda etc. . . through a straw helps avoid staining the teeth.

  3. I suggest using a regular toothpaste (don't worry about whether it whitens or not), because some whitening toothpastes will actually erode your teeth. That's how they 'whiten.' They strip off the top layer of enamel, exposing nerves and sensitive areas on your teeth. (This actually happened to me, and it was VERY painful to eat cold things or things with sugar (chocolate hurt sooo badly!)) Go with a whitening strip type of thing, like Crest Whitening Strips Classic. That's what I use, and they've produced amazing results!! The Crest strips start showing results within a few days, and after the two weeks is over, your teeth will stay whiter for a year. The strips safely bleach your teeth, not strip them. It costs about $16 for a box, and you should use them once in the morning, once in the evening (for half an hour each time you put them on (top and bottom teeth)), for two weeks. You can find them at almost any store that carries toothpaste; just check that same aisle. Also, the Crest Classics don't taste funky or disgusting, and you can do other things while you're waiting for the half hour to be up.

    Hope that will help you! =)

  4. I'm not really sure how well whitening toothpaste works but I talked to my dentist about getting my teeth whitened, she suggested that if I wanted to use the whitestrips, I should stick with the name brands (use Crest or Rembrandt). I bought the Crest Whitestrips Premium but haven't tried them yet (I have to wait until Monday when I get my braces off).

    The whitestrips cost about $27 at Walmart and you use them twice a day for 14 days. I have heard that some people use them once a day for 28 days instead and that will probably help it last longer.

    Anyway, there are stronger whitening strips from Crest but the price is a little higher.

    Hope I helped!!

  5. You can try this. Apple cider vinegar can be used for teeth whitening. More remedies and information regarding your teeth at

  6. This video should help explain how to it worked for me -
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