
Telekinesis Help?

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Has anyone done telekinesis here? How do you do telekinesis?




  1. its really difficult for people who dont have that gift. ive never been able to do it, but basically you just need to concentrate REALLY hard. you need to focus on the object untill that is all you see, and you cant have any distractions. dont move, clear you mind, dont have anything else going on in your body except well, breathing. this state is nearly impossible for someone with a short attention span or anything like that (i am a little ADD myself, so i cant) but if you think you can do it, try!

  2. Read this on PK-

    The Chinese were developing these children to plant minature listening devices(bugs) for intelligence gathering.

  3. Even if it were possible, the risk of brain damage is too great. How many pounds do you think the brain can suspend in space. What would happen if you had a brain aneurysm.

    My answer is I haven't and I don't intent to try.

  4. Well, here is my best answer for your question.

    Yes, a long time ago......this other gal and I were the last 2 out of the parking lot and it had snowed.  She was stuck.

    So I got out of my car and behind her.  I asked God to give me a whole lot of strength, and there she went!

    This type of telekinesis is for sure real.

  5. The answer is that nobody has ever demonstrated telekinesis in controlled scientific studies -- in other words, in a situation where fraud and deception can be eliminated. The best that paranormal enthusiasts have to work with is some poorly designed and conducted studies with results that are both irreproducible and debatable at best. Given the above it's extremely unlikely that anybody has this superpower, so if someone tries to tell you how to do telekinesis, realize that their own advice hasn't worked that well for them, at least well enough to demonstrate it for others.

    So if all you've got is bad quality video of standard magic tricks from some internet site for evidence of telekinesis, you're in pretty sad shape, to state the obvious. For example, some might point to internet videos of sleight-of-hand magicians such as Nina Kulagina and claim it's not magic tricks at all but paranormal ability. This is rubbish, and Kulagina's tricks are standard fare for the amateur magician nowadays. The moving of an object under a glass cover is a standard magic show trick. The history of psi is filled with frauds trying to bamboozle the public, and Kulagina was no different. You might find videos of unknown authenticity of Kulagina and others on the internet, but consider your source. Don't be gullible.

    I've included a link below which is heavily documented so that you can check its accuracy if you wish. You'll find it entertaining reading. I especially like the part about J.B. Rhine (of the Rhine Institute) being totally bamboozled by a trained horse!

  6. Humans have chakras (energy vortices's) in their palms; concentrate your 'Will' (solar plexus chakra) to flow through your dominant hand (hold it over the object) and visualize to where you want it moved.......

  7. it is power of mind. U need to focus......focus. Go to sites that will teach. U need powerful mind, will and focus. U can move things like objects.

  8. Check this out:

    Aw, and don't pay attention to those who try to make you believe 'it is not doable', 'Randi still has the million bucks' and so on.

    Just 'see' it moving - it will.

  9. Many have claimed, none have demonstrated.

    If you are able to do it you would be the first.

  10. ive done it once, but i was really high

  11. telekineses?

    stop dreaming!

    telekineses is the ability to move things with your mind!

    I know I can't. YOu can't do it if you're a normal person with normal abilities.

    Hope THAT helped!
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