
Telekinesis users needed.?

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My question is: is there anyone out there that can perform telekinesis? Only serious answers please, no answers simply saying "telekinesis doesn't exist" or anything to that affect.




  1. If there is anyone capable of starting fires, throwing cars, or levitating their friends currently alive I am unaware of them.

    However, Nina Kulgina was extensively studied by the former Soviet Union and appeared to have the ability to move matches, objects in sealed glass containers and other small objects. While debunkers have dismissed her abilities as tricks no magician under observation and in conditions controlled by scientist and KGB style body searches has ever been able to replicate her performances.

    Daniel Dunglas Home may also have had these abilities but controls were far less strict and he may have simply been the most outstanding magician of all time. In any event he was never caught despite numerous observations and tests.

    On a less dramatic note early experiments (1920-1930's) by what is now the Rhine Research Center obtained positive results with people throwing dice and willing a particular number to fall (more 6's than by chance for example).

    Helmut Schmidt obtained positive results (in his subjects) with a early version of a random number generator.

    and of course Princeton University Engineering Anomalies (PEAR) that showed small but positive results over 27 or so years of experiments.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  2. No telekinesis isn't possible yet.  If we continue to study quantum physics and the unexplored capabilities of the human mind it may become possible but it's going to be awhile.  Also telekinesis would require for the user to have his mind directly linked on the micro & macro level of any particular matter he was attempting to move.  That means that even if it were possible the larger and/or denser the object the harder to move.  If you have trouble moving three atoms, three million isn't going to get any easier.

  3. "telekinesis doesn't exist"

  4. Sorry, telekenesis doesn't exist. period.

    The great stage magician " the amazing Randi" has a standing offer of one million dollars to anyone who can perform ANY paranormal action under laboratory conditions.

    Guess what: NO ONE HAS COLLECTED. Now think carefully: what should this suggest to a reasonable person. DUH.

  5. Sorry, the only serious answer is just what you said "telekinesis doesn't exist"

    The answer is No, and no amount of sugar coating can change that.

  6. No, there's no-one out there that can perform telekinesis.


  7. "anything to that effect"

  8. No one has ever produced evidence that TK exists or the ability to perform it.  Many wishful thinkers will tell you that it can be done, but for some reason none of them can do it themselves.  Adding to the lack of positive evidence is the wealth of negative evidence showing how many people have been debunked as frauds when claiming this ability.

    I wish it did, but TK does not exist.

  9. Telekinesis is not something humans are capable of.It's a superpower we can't do it.You are mistaken if you think it's possible.

  10. There is no credible scientific evidence for the existence of telekinetic powers (notice I didn't say "telekinesis doesn't exist"). As far as can be determined, there is nobody out there who can perform telekinesis. All who have tried have failed.

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