
Tell me a good cadence.?

by  |  earlier

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My fiance is in the Army National Guard and he has to come up with a new cadence for his next RSP. Any good ones you guys know of? He also needs a chant for his team. Thanks!




  1. Here's a bunch.

    I like Tiny Bubbles.

  2. I like "My girl's a pretty girl". It's really easy to come up with new verses and versions.

    My favorite version is about the girl being in the hospital:

    My girl's a pretty girl

    She lives in the hospital

    I'll buy her anything

    To keep her alive

    My girl is feeling blue

    Cause she's in the ICU

    I'll buy her anything

    To keep her alive


    She has a broken Jaw

    So we feed her through a straw

    I'll buy her anything

    To keep her alive

    Sometimes I'll play a joke

    Pull the plug and watch her choke

    I'll buy her anything

    To keep her alive

    She has no arms or legs

    All she has are wooden pegs

    I'll buy her anything to keep her alive

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