
Tell me about your first kiss.?

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I was going down memory lane last night and I got to reminiscing about my first kiss. I was a 6 year old 1st grader and in my class was a cute girl named Ana (Anna?). Anyways, the school day had just ended and all the kids were running to the school bus. Obviously I was well aware that she was behind me and I saw all her stuff fall out of her backpack, so naturally being the smitten boy that I was I quickly went back to help her. She never liked it when I helped her because I constantly showered her with attention plus she was well aware of my affection for her so she just stood there angry about my actions. I handed her her belongings and when she stretched out her hand I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. I turned and continued running to the bus and I looked back to see a surprised look on her face. Apparently she told her mom, and the next day I had a serious talking to about sexual harassment and I was to stay away from her at all times or else I would be suspended. I still say my intentions were purely innocent! Ha ha ha.




  1. My first kiss was in the 6th grade and it was with a boy that I was so "in love" with. He had been my best friend since kindergarten. It was one of the best memories I have. We were at recess and we just decided to kiss on day! He was the most special boy I ever knew and he is dead now. He died in a car wreck on christmas day and it broke my heart.

  2. I'd been kissing boys since I was about 4 or 5 but the first kiss while "dating".....

    I was in the 7th grade.  He was head and shoulders taller then me.  He had wrote me a note asking me to stay after school a couple minutes and meet him in the locker area.  I did and he told me that I was beautiful and that he liked me a lot.  He took me by the shoulders and kissed me right on the lips.  Then he took off running like a mad man to the bus, almost crying.  All I could think was "What a goober!"  He was sweet and all, but running was a real turn off for me.  I dumped him a week or so later.

    I reckon that ain't such a good memory after all.  Man he was a goober.

  3. haha cute mine i was 5 adn i had a crush on this kid in my class so one day after recess he was drinkin water at the water fountain and i dont know y i just went up and kissed him on the cheek and ran away hten at lunch recess i was at the water fountain gettin water and he kissed me on the cheek blushed then ran away. haha

  4. it was very wet

  5. Well, I can tell ya about my first french kiss.  I was at a 7th grade dance and my mom was there to pick me up.  I went to the back to get some chocolate cake before I left.  I took a bite of it and before I know it my boyfriend came running in, turned me around and started kissing me.  AHHHHHHHH!!!  I had a mouth full of chocolate cake!!  ha ha ha...  He just stopped looked at me and asked "chocolate?"  I said, yep and started laughing, I was so embarassed!

  6. im 13 and in the 8th grade and still havent been kissed!! arrghh... but that will hopefully change soon coz the guy i like just broke up with his gf and he likes me too, so soounds promising:)

  7. Probably when I was 6, but I don't remember. A peck was at 8/9 to this boy on the cheek but my real first kiss was at 10/11/

    His mom and my dad were friends and he came over one day with his brother and wanted to watch a movie. We told the brother to get lost and locked the door.

    At first we just playfully hit each other and then we started to cuddle, then little kisses and then we started to make out. It was pretty big for 10/11 year olds but I guess we were just experimenting.

    Then the brother was whining to be let in and my dad and his mom made us. He just sat on the floor while we discreetly kissed. I only saw him a few times after that until I moved.

    I've only kissed with a boy once after that. (I'm 15 now)

  8. I dont remember all the details....Like how old I was....But I was really young, and it was before a wedding..... I was staying the night with my friend, and her brother, Scott. Scott always had a crush on me, like helping me on the trampoline, and holding my hand while we jumped, or played house, and him and I were the mom and dad......Anyways, well it was night time, and my friend and I were in the bathroom taking turns in the tub.....Well after that Scott, and his sister shared a bed.....And they fought who got to sleep next to me...... So I slept in the middle...... My friend took all the blanket so Scott let me lay with him.....Finally he put the covers over our head, and we kissed.....And made out too.....But softly, and passionately....... It had sparks, and everything...... His sister got all mad, and after she promised not to tell she did anyways, but we didn't get in trouble they just told us to wait to do that stuff.

  9. it was ur mum

  10. Oh well that would have to be with my friend, me and his sisters were friends and he would play with us so he decided that we should be the mother and father and he took me in the closet and was kissing me.... We were about 5 it was weird though I didn't have a meaningful kiss until I was 15....

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