
Tell me what you thinkk :)

by  |  earlier

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Pinning me up against the wall,

As our lips intertwine.

Standing before me was heaven,

This angel was all mine.

I was hesitant at first,

But slowly started caving in.

This boy standing before me,

Was my sweetest taste of sin.

He places one finger on my lips,

"I know you want this too,

There's no denying love,

What you feel inside is true."

Pressing my body against his

my hands begin to shake

This is it, no turning back

A Feeling I'll never be able to fake.

Thoughts racing through both minds,

Overwhelmed by this feeling from within.

A gentle kiss as we go upstairs,

Love was the sweetest sin.




  1. haha makes me want to have s*x!

  2. i love it, it's like first's really good, it should be published.

  3. I've seen so much worse!

    It's good, keep working on it and it'll be great!

  4. s**y

  5. I like it....nice one

  6. this from a bimbo who says my poetry was copied, go grow a the way i can see why you thought my poem was copied, compared to this teenage filth its a masterpiece.

  7. Certainly better than your previous offering.

    I see your lips are still intertwining. I do hope the condition isn't permanent.

  8. I like it, its really sweet :)

  9. Enjoyed it, well done.

  10. Would be good to music, a simple beat or something

  11. its wat fantasies are made of

    its good dat yo still wkg on it but do be careful to not over-edit it and end up losing that original inspiration that got yu to point pen to paper in da first place... ive done it before - and a poem may end up plastic and hollow - but i love it, keep it up. well done

    oh and thanks for yo feedback on mine

  12. very nice :)

  13. i like it =]

  14. Very well thought out keep it up,  for i believe there is no greater thing in life but creativity. It is the life blood of all great ideas and inventions :)

  15. veryy good.

  16. thank you for commenting on mine...and i absolutely adore yours! don't listen to the haters, they're just sinfully jealous, keep them coming!

  17. Love it. You're uber talented.

  18. omg this is AMAZING! I love it.  

  19. i love it! it is def. an excellent poem good job =)

    some positive critisism ---> everything written is extremely literal, you could play around with some symbolism and metaphoric meanings.

    it would be cool to refer to 'lust' in this poem, it would suit it. Try refering it to things in life so that readers can relate and really experience what your trying to convey in this poem.

  20. It's really not that bad and i can give you some hint's to spruce it up a bit okay grab a dictionary and find word's that have the same meaning as ones you have written down try to make it mysterious to other readers causing them to in turn pick up a dictionary to understand it. Real poets with the knowledge of poetry will be able to decipher it's words and meanings you will leave the rest of the people in awe.

    What I look for in a poet is there ability to not only make people feel the poem but make them live it, A good poet can make a woman weak in the knee's, her heart skip a beat because they are making them live it.

    That same poet can also bring the biggest egotistical man to his knees because nobody is above reproach of there past there present and what the future has in store for them it's the ability to make mortal being's weak from there eloquent way with word's.

    And your best poets can write a poem and every body is in awe but to him or her it is still a piece in the making of greatness.

    So it is good to be humble and as you said you are still working on it and probably will be for the rest of your life because you want it to be more then good you want to make mortals weak from it.

    when the poet gets weak from his own poem then you know that it is near completion.

    I hope that my honesty and insight have been to some use to you.  

  21. it's beautiful, I think that you could probably end it like this, it stands up on its own sooo well, I love it.

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