
Tell me your paranormal story!!!?

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Tell me your paranormal story!!!?




  1. I was up one night when I was real young and was sleeping on the couch and when I looked up at the stairs I saw a lady watching me.  She was really beautiful so I called her my guardian angel and I still believe this.  

    Another time I saw my cousin's dog that was buried in our back yard when I got up to use the rest room in the middle of the night.  I saw a ghostly light another night where he was buried.

    Then I have also heard voices talk to me.  One asked me "What are you doing?"  no one was up but me.  I had another one talk to me, but I cannot remember what it said.  

    I have also taken pictures with orbs in them and realize that they are pictures of someone who commited suicide and seems to follow one of my friend's boyfriend around.  It is very strange, but when you look close at the orbs they have pictures in them.  

    I have had so many things happen to me plus I am an empath, a healer, and psychic.  I have spoken to the dead and been able to feel the emotion of the people I am close to.  There is a lot to all of this....

  2. I was due to attend an important meeting with a client in Geneva last year but, the night before, I had a preminition that the plane would crash.  I know this might sound ridiculous.  However, the feeling was so strong that I turned around on seeing the checking in desk, returned to my office and carried on with some other work instead.

    Later, the phone rang.  It was my client asking where the h**l I was.  The car to meet me had just come back from the airport, and the driver had failed to find me during a two hour wait after the plane had landed on time.  Besides, what the h**l was I still doing in Munich?  I explained to him about my preminition but he put the phone down.

    Later still, the phone rang again.  It was my boss telling me he'd just been sworn at by my client, who had decided he didn't want to do business with incompetents.  Oh, and my boss didn't either, so I was sacked.

    I went to the local press with my experience but, for some reason or other, they weren't very interested.

  3. One night I had a dream, in the dream I was at a funeral and they kept pushing people into the grave.  The priest looked at me and said "There's room for one more".  The next day I was in a high rise building about the get on an elevator on the 78th floor.  The elevator was pretty crowded, but the last guy in turned to me and said "There's room for one more."  It was the priest from my dream!  I got on the elevator and we were all abducted by moon men from beyond the stars.  On the distant alien planet I was driving down a back road on a dark and misty night when I picked up a hitchhiker.  She said her name was Snuklem.  Since the heater in my hover car was broken, I offered her my jacket.  We stayed at a hotel room that night (separate rooms).  When we woke up I couldn't find Snuklem.  I asked the clerk who thought I was joking.  He said someone named Snuklem who matched the description was killed 10 years ago last night on that very road and was buried in the cemetary next to the hotel.  When I went to check it out, there was Snuklem, wearing my jacket.  Apparently, on this planet, they go by last names, and since they reproduce by splitting in half, daughters and mothers look exactly alike.  The Snuklem that died was the mother of the alien I met.  She was doing a pilgrimage thing.

  4. I have never had an experience that has required a paranormal explanation.

    This question is asked every day, so if you want some more answers you can do a search.

  5. my story well i have more than one the worst one was in windsor mo. i was pregnet with my daughter who now is 7 about to be 8 the bed would vibrate and the dolls would shake on the dresser you can see the hair move on them then someone would sit on the edge of the bed but there was no one there i got scard it was during a rain storm so i went down stairs to the couch near my room mates room all of the sudden u hear this big boom the lightning hit a transformer i can feel something demanding me to look in the kitchen just behind the sofa it was one of those that had 2 two by fours in the back all wood with cushons when i started to say no then prayed please god please god leave me alone it started punching the back of the cushons i jumped then held the cushons down while they were being pnched out at me hiting me in the side then it stoped and seconeds later my room mate came out of her room with a caracine lamp to use the restroom i stumbled my words and gasped that i needed to go also so i went with her she stayed out there w me till daylight the next day i was cramping and wiped blood went to the er didnt say a word they put me on bed rest and my room mate tried to make me follow threw w it i would pretend to just be getting fresh air and would leave the more i was away from there the bleeding stoped i still think that he tried to tske her from me           from the day she was born she has had light  orbes in all of her pictures one of them has angel wings in front of her at the hopital where she was born the room lit w light i dint think anything of it becouse i was new to the mom thing so didnt realy know what was going to happen my mom seen it 2 nurses the dr. me and her dad i kept hearing a whisper from a woman named rayell 3 mo later my mom told me that in the blue book rayell is gods left hand angel and michael is his right so she is my angel baby

  6. I was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    Ryan ~Michigan Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  7. This is more ufo than ghosts. I wasn't actually there it was actually my dad,my uncle, my grandfather and this other dude.

    They were fishing on a really secluded beach one night and a whole light lit up the cliff it wasn't a car or anything like that It looked like something had landed up there.

    So they ran up and nothing was there.

    They were definately telling the truth I could see it in there eyes.

  8. We are ghost hunters so we experience a lot of scary things.

    Here's one story--

    Well, we were investigating this very very veryyyy old cemetary, there were graves there from 1800's to 1900's. Anyway, we were walking and looking at all the creepy graves (it was pitch dark) when all of the sudden we heard this very loud high pitch creepy scream come from the woods!!! It scared us to death!!! Then a few minutes later out of no where it started lighening when no storm was expected that night. We were video taping some of it and when we watch the video it would do this kinda fuzzy snow stuff on the screen. We got home and we watched the weather radar on TV and everytime the rain would almost hit that spot where we were the TV would do the snow stuff like the camera did at the cemetary!! It was so scary!!!

  9. i was walking to the bathroom, and i thought i saw my cousin in a room, but actually she was in another room. The person i saw was a pale girl with long hair cascading down her face, like the grudge.

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