
Teltra Telecom?

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A While back on my bus ride to school I received a Text from a supposed UK Telephone company Teltra Telecom that I won half a million dollars. I emailed them as it was listed on the text. They said they were promoting themselves because they gained license to move to North America and they partnered up with a list of cell phone providers in North America, one of which was my phone provider. All they wanted was my Full name, Address, Occupation, Age, and my cell number. They listed an Adress, I wanted to check their website at the time but did there was only Telstra Telecom, Not Teltra. But now at present time 4-5 Weeks later or so they developed a website.

I compared contact info and address with the one listed in the email and it matched. What do you guys think?




  1. This is a fake company. Their website was only registered on May 28th. Their phone number does not reverse. The technology listed on their legal page is not theirs. The email address on their contact page is misspelled and goes nowhere.  If you read their site you will read a bunch of nonsense. While it sounds good it is really a bunch of nothing. I will include the links to the sites that prove their are a fraud. They also claim the name Teltra Technologies (see their legal page) but that name is registered to a company in South Africa. They are not licensed or authorized by any of the 50 states to do any telecommunications work and all states require registration. The misspelling is on the info address. ALso search the yahoo answers and seethe same text received by person in NZ

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