
Tennis effective drop shot?

by Guest58022  |  earlier

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Usually when I try to hit a drop shot, I hit it from around the service line. But, when I hit it, it either hits the frame of the racket and goes nowhere or it's too low and goes into the net, or it goes super high and kills the purpose of being a drop shot.

How do I make it better?




  1. The answer is control and focus.

    Remember to always keep your eye on the ball.

    Do not hit the ball, carry it with the slice of your stroke.

    Imagine exactly where you want the ball to go, and do it.

    These things take practice though.

  2. When you hit a drop shot, you need to watch the ball.  Then you have to control the power you put on the ball.  To hit a effective drop shot, you also have to slice it, make it spin backward.

  3. Drop shots are hit by holding your racket tight, slice the ball with your racket tilted at about 10 degrees wen the ball hits your racket take a little off at the same time you slice the ball .The reason your all over the place is because your angel of attack is not the same every time,also move in more, and drop shot to the side lines.the serves line is to far back and gives your opponent to much time to read your shot witch puts to much presser on already hard shot.and keep your eye on the ball and not who you are playing.

  4. There is no substitute for practice, practice, and more practice.   The drop shot requires touch.  Something that most players take a while to get.  I think most players don't practice taking short balls enough.  Overheads are the same way.  A lot of players jump straight to ground strokes.  Playing the short game to start, helps you warm up slowly, and helps you see the ball better.  With the short game, you stand around the service line and try not to hit it past the service line.  You can practice forehand to forehand, backhand to backhand, or with both service boxes.  This warm up exercise really develops touch, when you add slice and topspin to the short game.  Most players also get too cute with their drop shots.  Your drop shot doesn't have to clear the net by an inch to be a good one.  Put a lot of slicing backspin on it to the corner, and think of it as a setup shot.  The slice will keep it low, and your opponent shouldn't be able to kill it.  Just be ready to hit the return to the open court.  The more you incorporate it into your game, the more it will improve.  If you don't use it and practice it, you lose it - and the point.  Good luck!

  5. Well it depends on if it's a forehand or backhand. For my backhand drop shot (which is a very sharp drop), i use a continental grip and slash downwards at the ball. It can't be done on all backhands; but if you're patient and wait for the right shot, it will hardly clear the net and bouce either sharply left (your left, their right, assuming your right handed) or back towards you. The key is you must swing hard, whipping your strings down at the ball to create the hard drop.

    One time i used this shot in a match and it cleared the net with so much spin that it bounced back on to my side :P

    My forehand drop shots are much weaker but follow the same concept. With these, i swing lighter, with a continental grip, so i can't get as much of a sharp drop than with my backhand. I usually use my forehands for deep tailing slices, not so much drop shots. It can be done, however, just tougher for me.

    I'd say the basic concept no matter what is put at least a touch of backspin. A shot with no backspin will be easy for your opponent to reach and possibly put away. Also, make sure your opponent is deep in his own court, but i'm sure you already knew that.

    But hey, this is only my second year playing so my method might not be exactly what your looking for, nor the "correct" one, (never had any lessons) but it's worked for me in many of my matches.

  6. Great question! I want to perfect my drop shot also. Check -they have some decent tips on there.

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