
Terrified of driving...?

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I'm going to be 17 on May 23 and I still have yet to get anywhere close to a driver's license, let alone a permit. One reason for that is due to the fact that I don't have any money. But I am really scared to drive. But I have bad anxiety so that is the main contribution to it I believe. Some days I feel fine but most of the time I am scared to drive. I have driven a couple times but I got so close to cars, it made me extremely nervous. I'm actually perfectly fine with no driver's license. People at school think I'm crazy but as I get older I know that I have that much less of a chance of getting into an accident..unlike a lot of reckless teen drivers. Okay well basically, I am terrified to drive, it's all about the accidents. I can wait to drive for awhile but I will need to eventually and I am soooo scared of the other drivers out there. They are so careless and with all of the road rage, it scares me. >_<.....I'm a nervous wreck and I can't handle the stress.




  1. i understand... becasue when i was learnign to drive i was terrified too. But in time it will pass... your confidence and your abilitys will increase and your anxiety will go down. What i syggest is to practice handling a car without too much traffic around first... and slowly build yourself up to busier streets... that might help you a little....

    in time you will no longer fear driving... just like me

  2. Then put off your driving until you have more self confidence... or restrict your driving to Sundays until you get some experience...

    I personally think the minimum age should be 18..but I don&#039;t make the laws, but I would vote for that should that come up...Take your time and do it when your ready... and Good Luck

  3. Chill girl! As long as you have confidence in your own driving and keep a safe distance from the other drivers you can see and react to any danger ahead. You&#039;ll get the hang of it just like anything else. Practice makes perfect.

  4. Driving really isn&#039;t that is at first, but after you drive a couple dozen times, then it&#039;s no big deal. You should go get your permit, and just drive around your neighborhood at night, when hardly any other cars are out, and you&#039;ll get used to it. Do some basic driving skills, such as backing up, stopping and stop signs, and parallel parking. Trust me, you&#039;ll get used to it.

  5. If you live where public transportation is sufficient then why worry about your driving?

  6. The reason why they are reckless is because they are beginners, and the older you get wont make  you a better driver, it will just make you an older beginner...

  7. You are not the only person terrified of driving.

    People can live without driving or a car.

  8. Just take a deep breath, relax, and remember what you have been taught, and you&#039;ll do fine!

  9. You&#039;ll get used to it. I was really nervous until 40+ hours of driving. Just think ahead where  you need to go and turn and obey the rules of the road. =]

  10. its all part of the driving process. everyone is scared to drive. its just that they dont show it because they want to be cool. youll eventually get over your fear. until then you can practive driving in your neighborhood where there are less cars and then slowly move into bigger streets. just wait until 18 to get a license because if you get it now itll just waste money because youll need permit and license. good luck.

  11. You just need to get a feel for the car and become comfortable behind the wheel.. They have LESSONS for making you more RELAXED behind the wheel. Get a good TUTOR and you will be FINE

  12. I was scared too at first, but once I got on the road, I grew accustomed to it... and now I don&#039;t mind driving at all. ^-^

    I&#039;ve also had my fair share of wrecks... 3 now, actually.  One of which nearly claimed my life.  But, in a sense, I&#039;m thankful for the experience.  I learn from my mistakes, get over it, and go on.

  13. lol you dont know nothin yet

    try drivin an 18 wheeler in chicago traffic then we will talk

  14. I went through a windshield at 80mph, ended up in the hospital for 4 1/2 months, had amnesia, weird but i didn&#039;t know, i didn&#039;t know, until someone asked me a simple question.

         It took 5 months to get me back into a car after i was released from hospital. I didn&#039;t drive yet that was my 16th car accident. I was convinced i would die in a car accident.

         So i&#039;m no stranger to &quot;terrified&quot; of driving.

          Yet, 5yrs later i got my drivers licence. At first i was so scared, but with practice, I learned what my friends were saying was true, once you learn to trust in yourself, your fear of other drivers disappears. I also went to Young Drivers of Canada and i found their teaching and class&#039;s very good. My teacher gave me a few extra lessons, i also immediately took the defensive driving course as well.

          I learned to drive in Oct/Nov. as my friends said it was best to get the winter behind me and they were right, once you do that all other weather was a breeze. For 6 yrs i drove for a living. I love driving.

            All it takes is some practice, some self confidence from doing so. If you want you could drive only choice times untill your comfortable. But do get it when possible, you will be so glad you did.

  15. I understand. I failed my license when I was 17.

    I got my license when I was 22!

    With gas prices so high &amp; its best to take public transporation for now.

    Then save a little.

  16. i understand. i&#039;m scared too...but i still got my permit. i think you just need practice. i turned 17 in feb. and i failed my road test once...i&#039;m taking it again soon. i know that i can pass it but i was just so nervous i messed up on the dumbest things. when i drive i am really nervous but you just have to have confidence and do everything you possibly can to be a safe driver, and that will really help because if you&#039;re safe, you&#039;re less likely to get into an accident. there&#039;s always a chance of something bad happening, but if you really want to drive you just have to get out there and try. i hope everything works our for you. =)

  17. You have to be brave. We all fear something, you&#039;re not out of the ordinary, but we can&#039;t let fear control us.  You have to be above that and do what scares you anyway.  Then the fear will go away!  I used to be scared to drive too, especially in big cities, but then I did it and the fear is gone now.  It is just a part of growing up and becoming a more well rounded individual.  You&#039;ll thank yourself later.

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