
Terrified of the dentist!!!!

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i have dental problems and i know it , my teeth hurt when i eat drink ,and sometimes for no reason. but sometimes they are really good and dont hurt .the thing is i havent been to a dentist in about 5-6 years and im very scared of what they are going to do .

if anyone has anyexpirences , or anything taht might help me , please tell





  1. hi

    i suggest u start using some sensodyne toothpaste.

    call and get a dentist appt.

    at the first visit all their gonna go is take x-rays and look around.


    i used to be deathly afraid of dentist.

    i got kicked out of 3 dentist offices bc i was that afraid but it wasnt my fault the dentist wouldnt allow my mom back with me.

    then 4 years ago i had to go to the dentist for a stupid school paper.

    at that appt. i had a few problems but everything went ok. i had problems doing some of the x-rays bc my mouth is small. so the dentist went back and actually took the time to put the little pieces of film in my mouth gently.

    he walked me through everything and shared some of his memories of the dentist when he was younger bc he had a fear too.

    and now i can get fillings done with novacane.

    i have also let him removed three impacted wisdom teeth with me fully awake and on three seperate occasions.

    i have had one bad experience since finding the dentist i have been going to for 4yrs now and it was another guy in the office who scared the living daylights out of me.

    but i would say im  almost to having no fear at all.

    the only time i get scared is when idk wat to expect. but my dentist picked up on that. find a dentist who will talk u through a procedure b4 theyll start it.

    i went to the dentist on thursday bc of complications to wisdom tooth removal the dentist felt bad for putting me in so much pain.

    but it made me feel better.

    my dentist is who has my mouth almost being perfect after like 7 yrs off not seeing a dentist. 4yrs ago has changed my life.

    good luck.

    email me if u have any questions

  2. Lots of people suffer from dental anxiety, so don't worry.  Most dentists are well acquainted with how to deal with this very common problem.  

    You can call 1-800-DENTIST to ask for recommendations.  Tell them you would like a dentist who specializes in patients who have dental anxiety.  You can also choose to have sedation during any dental procedure - there are dentists who specialize in this as well.  

    Go to the dentist now - waiting will only postpone the inevitable.

  3. Make an appointment as soon as possible!! Try to get the appointment that is closest to today's date. You may have cavities since your teeth hurt when you eat and drink. This happened to me until I went to the dentist and realized I had a cavity!

  4. hi, before u go make an appt that is convenient for u as soon a s possible!! Secondly start gently brushing with SESODYNE TOOTHPASTE.

    yOUR TEETH may hurt due to sensitivity etc but either way this tooth paste will help u a great deal before u go bcuz i've tried it myself!

    Also start flossing and brushing normally. When u go BREATHE and close your eyes, don't hold ur  breath! Also tell the dentist u  r nervous! Just by saying that it will help calm u. Don't lie about any symptoms u have bcuz ur afraid just tell the truth and if something hurts u just say so kindly.

    They r here to help not judge or be sloppy in ur mouth. They will make ur mouth feel btr and be healthy !!!!!

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