
Terroist Attack?

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Hello. What would be a terrorist attack that happened on American soil from 1960-2008, besides 9/11. For middle-aged people, what would be the first terrorist attack that you remember?




  1. The first terrorist attack I can remember was Oklahoma city bombing. I was in high school at the time and didn't care about news or politics.

  2. The FALN did 120 bombing attacks in the US between 1974 and1983. On January 24th, 1975 they killed 4 people at Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan.

  3. World trate center, 1993. Bomb in the parking structure tried to bring them down. Many think the assassination of John and Bobby Kennedy in 1963 and 1968 were mob hits.

  4. Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland, by plastic explosives 1988

  5. Olympics deal
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