
Testicular cancer!!!!?

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ok i went to the doctor about a lump on the top of my t******e i will now describe it, it is: very easily movable,soft,squishy. he told me its harmless because it moves and is squishy. so i have 3 questions for you to answer

PLEASE no kiddish,rude answers this is a serious matter that scares me so dont make matters worse the person with the best answers and explanation gets the best answer

1) the lump that i got checked out is on my left t******e it feels like a circular lump with a tail what is this?

2)i have this tiny dot like the size of a pen on the t******e to what is this?

3) i have a dull ache in my groin area the doctor said it was because of me squeezing the lump to much and messing with my testicles to much ( i am a hypocondriac) so is this the cause of the pain?




  1. sorry to hear dude. make sure your doctor explains every little detail. don't fondle you testicles too much you don't want the lump to get worse. if its a bad lump you don't need to risk it spreading it. your testicles need positive carma right now you don't want to loose them.

    kiss booboo make it feel better.

  2. Movable and squishy is good! Better than nonmovable and hard!Messing w it so much has probably irritated the area and caused you pain. The tiny dot could be blocked oil gland or hair follicle. Fairly common. Leave things alone and relax! Doctors orders!  

    take care- D

  3. The soft part you describe should be there:blood vessels and ducts to transport s***n to your p***s.

    Would not pay attention to that dot either.Harmless.

    That dull pain is because you play Dr all day long:leave it be.


    And it is no cancer at all.

  4. Its more than likely a variocele.  I get them on my left t******l from time to time.

    I get them because I sit down all day in work and its a build up of fluid in the sperm duct.  It usually goes after s*x or masturbation and comes back a few days later.

    It comes and goes and is usually nothing to worry about, you can get anti inflammatories to calm it down but you should be fine.

    Try not to prod and poke it as just starts to ache.

    I thought I was dying when I found one and felt sick to my stomach.

    Always consult your doctor if you find a lump though!

    Good luck


  5. I have answered this question for you before under the whatmarc name.

    1. That lump with a tail is the epididmis.

    2. There is actually a testicular appendix (real name) that is the dot.

    3. The ache is because you will not leave the boys alone.

    I really am not trying to be rude, so I do appoligize if it came off that way.  You have to calm down man.  Get on the web and pull up a diagram and see the anatomy to help put your mind at ease.

    EDIT:  Good Luck
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