
Testing Casey Anthony For Chloroform Exposure?

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Does anyone know if it is possible to test Casey for evidence of handling chloroform? Like if she had breathed it in or anything?

I know you can test hair and body fluid for drugs, even in the spine (yuck!)

Do you think this is something that may be done? Would she consent to such a test?




  1. I am not sure about the possible test but I do know, as uncooperative as she has been ( not helping in the searches and what not ) that I HIGHLY doubt she work with the police.  

  2. I'm sure there is some sort of test that they could use. But the problem would be that even if the results came back positive, it would be no good to them. That would only link Casey to the Chloroform and without the body of Caylee and evidence on her that Chloroform was used, it wouldn't add up.  

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