
Texas holdum question

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I have been playing poker for awhile I play every saturday. I am a very passive player. my problem is there are userally 8 tables with 52 people I do pretty good until It gets down to 2 tables or I get put on an agressive persons table because he was raising x3 pre flop. when I got to the table I had the second most chips but the agressive guy threw me off in a matter of an hour. And sometimes I would make to to the final table and not have enough chips to get far. So my question is how do I play agaisnt such an agressive player without having to go all in on the hand I play. He was also getting lucky and landing everything I dident want to waste it all on one hand advice please




  1. well, if he's so aggressive, he's probably bluffing a lot.  Call his bluff a few times and it'll kill him

  2. Mix up your game more.  Passive players often will get away with a bluff now and then.

    When playing against a really aggressive player, you have to bide your time.  Don't get in a hand you don't think you really have a good chance of winning.  That being said, if the other players get the sense that you only play strong hands, they'll often put you on a hand even when you don't have one.

    WATCH YOUR BODY LANGUAGE!  This is key.  Keep the table talk to a minimum.  I often find that a player who talks a lot when he's in a hand really doesn't have anything, so I try to talk when I DO have a hand.
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