
The Adoption Triad?

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Is there such a thing?

You have the State and Adoption Professionals on one side, the Adoptive parents on another side, then the Birthparents on another side

So where does the Adoptee fit in?




  1. The triad is considered to be the birth family, adoptive family, and the child (adoptee).  At least this is what I've always used to speak of all 3 of us at once.

  2. I used to think it was a triad.  I really did.  Until I got my file and saw how much power the adoption agency had.  The agency that handled my adoption manipulated everybody including and especially my adoptive parents who were just out and out fleeced..  

    When the agency holds all the power, pulls all the strings and collects all the money there is no triad.

  3. what triad/triangle?? lol

    I never felt i was part of a triad. I never really felt i belonged growing up. it was like i was in left field. don't get me wrong my adopted parents have always been open and honest with me and supportive. i love them very much. its just i deal with alot of issues being adopted. so i do not feel i fit in any place in the triad. a triad to me is where people get together to find out what is best and all involved make a decsion. how did the adoptee make a decsion? Oh, that's right we didn't. the choice was made for us. the triad is made of only these people--the adoptive parents, the birth parents and the adoption agency/social services. i have yet to see adoptee in here any place. i really don't like the word triad, and i don't think my adoptive parents do either. because they feel that the adoption agency bullied my b-mom. they agreed to the adoption because of my b-mom saying she will not give me up unless i stayed where i was. then my adoptive parents got in to full gear to protect me and my birth mother( my adoptive parents are so wonderful). they wanted to adopt me and also have a way for my birthmother to see me at any time. my adoptive parents were sacred that the state would prevent my mom in seeing me if i went someplace else. I guess i;m rambling on here so i will close. Again out here in left field not part of any triad/triangle!!!

  4. Triad/Triangle implies that all sides are equal.

    Natural parents--LOSS


    Adoptive parents--GAIN

    How is this equal?  

    I don't know WHO invented this term, but I bet it was a social worker.

  5. The adoption triad consists of:


    birth family

    adoptive family

    the term does not refer to the agency.

  6. Its more like an adoption circle. It never freakin ends. Or maybe its an adoption upside down triangle/triad, with the aparents on one top corner, the first parents on the other top corner, and all the pressure and weight is bearing down on the adoptee in the bottom corner. But that doesn't leave a corner for the agencies/ definitely has to be an adoption square, tipped over so that its resting on one corner, tilted square if you will, so that both sets of parents and the agency/state are bearing down and all the weight is resting upon the adoptees. Yes, that sounds right. The adoption tilted square. Wait, that makes it a diamond doesn't it? Okay, the adoption diamond then, with the adoptee on bottom, the state/agency on top and the two sets of parents at each side. Yeah, its definitely an adoption diamond. *nod*

  7. The "triad" concept infers that we are all (natural parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees) on the same team.  But, excluding the adoption industry & state, adoptive parents hold all the power and adoptees hold zero power, so it is hardly a team - unless we are the bat boys or something.  And the adoption industry and state support the adoptive parents (giving them even more power).

    "Triad" also infers that the adoption industry is not a part of it.  But to make it only 3 parties (natural parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees), you would still have to realistically place those three parties within an active background made up of the adoption industry & state.

    Where does the adoptee fit in?   As a zero-power component of either a "triad" or a diamond (thanks, Marsha), we "fit" where we are most convenient, like a piece on a board game - whether as a lucrative product that makes money for the industry, a muzzled "citizen" by the state, a replacement for dead children, lost children, children never born, "fixes" for other people's problems, or if we're lucky, at least a well loved and cared for child who needed a home.  

    Even in the latter case, however, we are still powerless - we did not participate in our transfer, and we are still not privy to our documentation without cooperation from the more powerful positions in the adoption "triad"/diamond/plane/constellation/what...

    We fit wherever we best benefit those who have the power.

  8. if it has to be broken down into a triad, then i would say the adoptee would be the lines that connect the three.

    too bad it actually isnt that clean cut

  9. The adoptee doesn't fit in!

    We're just the baby adoptee 'gift' that everyone hands around - and the annoying adult adoptee that nobody wants to listen to.

  10. There can be no such thing as a triad.  That would mean that all sides are equal and as we know that is not the case.

    I think it is a line and right now I am a very small spot on that line and the aparents have taken over the whole thing and don't let my daughter see me.
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