
The Chinese Gymnasts showed great Sportsmanship!?

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Despite their loss I felt that they showed great class.I loved how they approached the Americans to give them hugs and kisses.

So did the graceful Shawn Johnson she handled herself like a class act.

Nastia Liukin was not so graceful. When that bronze medalists approached her for a hug....she hugged back and rolled her eyes. She also bypassed many people who instead had to approach her. Maybe it was nerves or extreme excitement but she came off a bit rude.

Anywho Congrats on the Gold and Silver Nastia and Shawn.




  1. Well at least one of the Chinese gymnastics women won't be called a cheat she did the right thing and lost to the USA

  2. Nastia wasn't rude at all, I tivo'd it and I didn't see any eye rolling.  She seemed a little miffed in the middle but so did Johnson (rightfully so, considering the unfair judging).  I think they are a little fearful approaching the others because of the laungage barrier - I would be too.

  3. Yeah i agree with you tho!!!! like totally! The chinese looked like they were left off alone, since they're Asians! Shawn was friendly! (:

  4. i think she was graceful but overwhelmed. nobody thought she would win.

  5. Now, see, I did not notice Natsia seeming rude. I think she was overwhelmed and just so relieved. I saw her give a very sweet smile and hug to some of the girls on the Chinese team.

  6. maybe she was just so happy to have won her first olympic gold medal that she didnt even realise she was passin ppl by.

  7. I saw many a nervous and excited young women tonight.  I also saw very gracious competitors from all countries.  I thought the audience was fantastic (no booing, etc.) and  the athletes showed excellent sportsmanship.

    I do not recall Nastia looking rude except for in one instance when she was on the phone.  But later on the news, she said she was calling her Mom who was waiting to hear the results, who had not been able to actually watch them live.  Considering she was calling her Mom (I'd want my daughters to call me) any perceived rudeness was not intentional.

  8. Oh no. America won gold and silver. better check their passports.

  9. Was there a question in there?

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