
The Chinese eat JELLYFISH!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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It sickens me, but they do? How, could they be so heartless... So cruel... It's just rude.




  1. it's the same thing as a pig................ it's so dirty and disgusting and people eat them

  2. Whats the difference with them eating anything else? I heard they eat cats! now thats cruel!

  3. Yeah, this one girl's Chinese boyfriend made her eat jellyfish.  Isn't that sad?  They eat chicken feet.  That is gross!

  4. Um yeah, but I don't know how that's cruel I mean they aren't domesticated animals who have a purpose or endangered in any way so how is it heartless?

    Also I think you're the one who's kind of rude because there are people who are not Chinese who eat jellyfish too! Saying these kind of things shows your lack of understanding of world cultures. If you were put somewhere with out meat animals or edible plants what would you eat?

  5. they also eat dog and cats dolphins and many others things

    you can see it on youtube .. they are skinning a dog alive .. its horrible..

    it makes me disgusted.

  6. It's just gross!

  7. they also eat monkey brain and unborn fetuses... its not heartless... maybe a bit cruel but see what you would resort to eating if you were starving and the this was the only thing you had available to eat

  8. they also eat snakes and eel =x

  9. I know! It's like eating a baby!

  10. Isn't this where jelly comes from?

    You think this is heartless, cruel and rude?   Check out THIS Chinese dish:

    Bird's Nest Soup's_nest...

  11. and we lobster, baby sheep and baby cows, and the "food" that is sold at Mc Donald's.

    get over yourself and stop being racist and ignorant.

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