
The Cold War- The Second Front ?

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I am doing an essay on the Cold War. I am a little confused on the Second Front is. Is this the same thing as the Iron Curtain that Churchill refers to ?




  1. No disrespect intended to Bigredan, but I think you asked about the Cold War. He is correct re: WWII.

    In the Cold War - the theory often postulated is the ongoing efforts on both sides to acquire information, assets, people, etc. from the other side. This often included murder. In other words - spying.

    Why don't you clear up your question so we can answer you correctly? We're more than a little confused right now. I am at least.

    Thanks! Now if he'd just check his answers...

  2. The Second Front was the Western front against Germany in ww2.

    What does this have to do with the Cold War?  Well, for a long time the Russians were angry at the allies - especially the US - for not giving them enough help; by opening the Western front early.  They accused the US of letting the war go on overly-long, to kill as many n***s and COmmunists as possible.  Their evidence?  They quoted Truman saying this in Congress. (But, whether he meant this seriously, or if people based their decisions on what T. said, is another matter.)

  3. The Second Front was the invasion of n**i occupied Europe by the Western Allies.

    Stalin had been asking Churchill & Roosevelt since at least 1943 for the invasion to begin, to relieve the pressure on the USSR.

    The Western Allies did not want to invade until they were ready - Stalin didn't trust Churchill but FDR managed to persuade him that the second front was imminent and would help the Soviets by taking troops away from the East.

    None taken.  D

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