
The Duggar's are expecting #18....?

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Good Lord, I'm all for pro-creation, but enough already! Are they just trying to stretch their 15 minutes of fame? And if they keep having "as many as God wills" will she be popping them out at 50? Haven't they heard about birth defects when older women give birth?




  1. The woman is a nutcase.  They will probably have about 20-22 kids before menopause sets in.  It is just kids raising kids at their house.  And the kids all seem to have the same personality, no real individuality.  They are in their own little world, I don't think they socialize with anyone but their own siblings.

  2. Yes YES I agree with Erika.. It is disgusting how the duggars have their older children raising the younger children.. plus all of their children have chores.. so basically all Michelle does is have s  e   x , get pregnant.... lay around the house and when she pops out a kid,... it goes right to one of the older kids, who will than be responsible for taking care of the newborn. I saw a television special,where the family went to a dude ranch, they left Michelle alone with some of the younger children and booooyy was that lady losing it.. she seemed stressed out. She is a horrible mother along with her husband who is a horrible father, they have robbed their children of their childhood... xo

  3. i agree, they need birth control and i know adopting cost a lot of money but the could've adopted a least one.

  4. so long as they lok after them and pay for them how is it your buisness

    good luck to them

  5. Oh my lord, what can you say to that,!

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