
The F word is used in frustration, as an adjective,an adverb, and I fail to see why it is bad.?

by Guest59371  |  earlier

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Can someone tell me why my husband will stop talking to me for 2 days whenever I let it slip out.




  1. Well, do you know what it REALLY means?  I mean, historically?

    If you did, you probably wouldn't use it.

    In any case, it is the refuge of people who simply can't manage to come up with a better way to express themselves.

    When I think of it as a low-class, ignorant way to express myself, it stops me cold.

  2. Some people are just raised that way - if he has strict or conservative parents, he probably grew up being punished for saying it or anything like it.

    It IS also used as a vulgar word for s*x though. In that context, it's considered crude, and he may not like it for that.

    Talk to him about it, see why he's so mad whenever you say it - see if you can't understand his reasons for disliking it, and maybe you can come to a compromise.

  3. as our society evolves certain words and other things fall in and out of favor with the people of the society. right now it has been deemed that the F word is not socially acceptable for no reason other that some people simply don't like it. it has been said that the equivalent of that word was used in the bible no joke. in my opinion this word will no longer be a foul word in the near future as it becomes more accepted by the general public. hope that helps.

  4. Swearing promotes negative energy. Negative energy leads to bad things.

  5. First off i agree with you that the F word is becoming more and more used in American language. But some people still find it offensive. Try to  cut down when you are around them. To be honest I use it all the time its just a personal thing.

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