
The Hills premiere...anyone else disappointed?

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The show was barely 15 minutes and had about 1000 commercials. All that waiting just for that? Does anyone think that if Heidi's sister was super hot that Spencer would like her more? Have you guys noticed how much Heidi's physical appearance has changed over the years? I was watching old episodes the other day and she looked like a completely different person. Lo is annoying me now but I think Audrina was acting sort of snobbish when Lo tried to talk to her. What do you think?




  1. umm i think heidi's sister is pretty unnactractive actually!

    and Lo is SUCH stuck-up, self absorbed spoiled rotten brat! i couldnt believe how she was acting! and wtf NO audrina wasnt being snobbish! have u even seen last season?? Lo is the one who is the total snob!!

    and yeah heidi looks diff cuz of all the plastic surgery, shes had an eye lift, botox, cheek implants and a boob job.

    but yeah all in all this episode just left me hating Lo even more than I already did.

  2. Yeah it was way to short. I really hate commercials. Omg yes i was also thinking the same thing about Heidi. The other day i was watching laguna beach and Heidi was on one of the episode. She was in the fashion show. She looked so much different then how she is now. Yeah Audrina was acting a little snobbish to Lo. Audrina is definitely going to move out this season. I think Lo ruined Lauren and Audrina's friendship. When Audrina and Lauren both lived in the apartment they were inseparable.  

  3. the hills is always 15 minutes full of awkward silences and people staring at each other.

    heidi got her nose done and added larger b*****s.

    audrina has become my favorite character. i like her more than lauren...

    also i realized the hills was never disappointing because it was always awful, lauren is the most boring person in the world. shes overdramatic, selfish, and BORING.

  4. it was 20 mins. Lo and audrina are both acting wrong

  5. i felt soo bad for LO .. when audrina said they would never be friends bc she was trying so hard at that point and it seemed legit and she was walking out almost in tears it was terrible .. im begining not to like audrina .. but apparently her and lauren are still friends anyways ..

    yeah heidi had a nose job .. it was in ok mag like last year i believe .. i think i boob job to i could be mistaking about the boob job but i remember her saying she wasnt comforable in her own skin so she got all this work done .. totally g*y bc nows she looks like a tranny but her sis is super cute and i think from the preview she moves in with lauren! so that should be interesting

  6. everyone knows heidi had tons of plastic surgery its old her sister doesn't look better then her...but before she got all that work done they were even....I think audrina's bitchiness came out of no where...i was kinda shocked like wtf...but i guess she was just fed up with it....don't worry the episodes are going to get better...and other people might not want this...but i actually want lauren and heidi to be friends I actually like heidi more then i like lauren...lauren makes everything about herself...even at audrina's party lauren had to make the whole thing about her....its like get the **** over yourself!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. was too short. I was surprised at Audrina's reaction when Lo went to talk to her...but really Lo got a taste of her own medicine. But...the show certainly reaffirmed my hatred of Spencer...he should be groveling at Heidi's feet and he is just such a prick....and YES! Heidi is barely even recognizable....and she would be unattractive  just like her sis if it were not for the nose/boob job,lip injections,hair extentions and the fake teeth....... I can't wait to watch next week!!!! :)

  8. I liked the ep, I think spencer was a jerk, espically considering he moved in with his sister when heidi kicked him out. and I love Lo audrina has issues, Lo plained a party for audrina and she didn't even get a thank you.

  9. Who watches that c**p? Oh Californians

  10. YESSSSSSSSSSS i was wondering why there were so many d**n commercials!!!! And last season's premiere was AN HOUR LONG!!! very disappointing....

    LOL that's funny what u said about Heidi's sister being more hot...they definitely don't look alike AT ALL...but I'm sorry Heidi's really brainwashed by this dude...I know she loves him and everything and love makes you do crazy things, but how can you stay with someone and you see that they blatantly disrespect your family like that??? Like, where do you draw the line????

    Yeah Heidi looks a gajillion times better than when The Hills first started....I guess over the years, MTV figured she was a more bankable "star" than they thought and decided to get her a stylist.

    And I am TEAM AUDRINA ALL DAY EVERYDAY!!!! Lo's a straight up B****.....she tried to act like she was gangsta and diss Audrina at her party.....but how are you gonna purposefully NOT go to her party and then knock on her door to try to explain to her why she stayed inside to play with her dog - DISRESPECTFUL....i wouldn't have even opened the door if I was Audrina....LO is FAKE and I don't blame Audrina AT ALL!!!!!!!!!

  11. Wow I know!

    It felt like the show was like 5 minutes long.

    And I f*cking hate Lo. She is such a ******.

    Spencer needs to get lost too.

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