
The Iliad Question???

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What is at stake for Achilles in Patroclus's death, and why does it change his mind about fighting in the war?




  1. "Patroclus was Achilles bestfriend and according to some his lover."

    Do not believe these g*y lies.  There is no suggestion of homosexuality in the Iliad.

    EDIT:  I repeat, do not believe these g*y lies.  Their political agenda is to insert "g*y" in every historical text possible in order to present "g*y" as normal.

    The motivation for this is not purely homosexual.  By upsetting the male-female gender order, the "g*y" agenda disrupts the family and overturns "male dominance" or "patriarchal oppression," which, they believe "liberates" the people and opens the way for Socialism.

    You can find CLAIMS (not evidence, but claims) that ANY NUMBER OF literary characters were g*y.  These claims are baseless speculation designed to serve POLITICAL ends.  Do not believe any claims about a literary character's sexuality without reference to the ACTUAL text.  If it isn't written in the text, it didn't happen.

  2. Read the book!

  3. Astrid is correct. A good number of Classical scholars assume that Patroclus was Achilles lover. It's a controversy that goes all the way back to Aeschylus and Plato.  The wikipedia article cited below is a good place to start if that controversy interests you.  For Greek warriors, especially "shield brothers" to also be lovers was not at all uncommon in ancient times. In fact, it was common enough that it wouldn't have needed to be explicitly stated.

    And Jee Vee is also correct... the best way to figure it out for yourself is to read the book... preferably in the original Greek, but if you're not interested in learning Koine Greek, you can get the translation in English at the Internt Sacred Texts Archives:

    Don't believe the homophobic apologetics of those who are in denial about ancient Grecian attitudes about "homosexual" relationships. Indeed, most of the ancient Mediterranean world had vastly different attitudes toward sexuality than we have in our society today.  Zeus himself was said to have been enamored of his cupbearer, who only in later versions of the myths was female.  In earlier versions of the myth Hebe was male.

    So rather than take the word of someone whose own religious and/or homophobic agenda places blinders on them, you may want to read some of the classics and decide for yourself.

    They were also "first cousins once removed."  However this is not played up in the Illiad as much as Achilles love for Patroclus is.  The focus on their being cousins is something that modern retellings (like "Troy") bring out, because they have to justify their deep loving relationship and generally don't want to approach the idea that they may have been lovers.

  4. Patroclus was Achilles bestfriend and according to some his lover. They first met at Phthia, king's Peleus palace.

    During the trojan war, When Achilles refused to fight because of his feud with Agamemnon, Patroclus donned Achilles' armor, led the Myrmidons and killed many Trojans and their allies, including the Lycian hero Sarpedon (a son of Zeus), and Cebriones (the chariot driver of Hector and illegitimate son of Priam) despite the warning of Achilles to not engage in combat beyond the Achaean ships. He was killed by Hector and Euphorbos, with help from Apollo.

    After retrieving his body, which had been protected on the field by Menelaus and Telamonian Aias, Achilles returned to battle and avenged his companion's death by killing Hector. Achilles then desecrated Hector's body by dragging it behind his chariot instead of allowing the Trojans to honorably dispose of it by burning it. Achilles' grief was great and for some time, he refused to dispose of Patroclus' body; but he was persuaded to do so by an apparition of Patroclus, who told Achilles he could not enter Hades without a proper cremation. Achilles cut a lock of his hair, and sacrificed horses, dogs, and twelve Trojan captives before placing Patroclus' body on the funeral pyre.

    Achilles grieved over his friend and held many funeral games in his honor.

    Enraged over the death of Patroclus, Achilles ended his refusal to fight and took the field killing many men in his rage but always seeking out Hector.

    I hope these would help^^

  5. Patroclus was the bestfriend (and lover?) of Achilles. Achilles didn't want to fight because he was lose in their fight with a fellow Greek captain because of a girl (Trojan maiden) they turned into a s*x slave so he just stayed in his tent for many years and he allowed his friend patroclus to wear his helmet and war suits.

  6. "Patroclus was Achilles bestfriend and according to some his lover. " I thought he was his cousin.
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