
The NEW Great Depression ...?

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We all have to admit that the world economy has taken a drastic turn in the last couple years. Do you feel the new Great Depression is here? How was the last Great Depression solved? I'm so scared considering the death spiral that's forming. Whether George W. Moron wants to admit it or not, the US is in a recession. But does anyone else feel that we're not climbing out of this as fast as we should be? This question is really a matter of opinion. I'm not sure if maybe I'm over analyzing things, but I'm scared of what might happen here. I have images of living in tent cities, and living off of government rations. I have that picture of Dorothy Langes Migrant Mother photo in my head. How bad do you think it'll get?




  1. I am not driving as much. I am combining errands into one trip.

    I have a list when I go shopping and stick with it. I use coupons but only if I was going to buy the item anyway.

    I go to yard sales on Sat. mornings and have found some really nice clothes at good prices.

    I check the free items on Craigs. I have refinished some solid wood furniture that looks very nice.

  2. I asked that almost a year ago and times were just as bad and getting worst and most of the answers I got were we're in a recession not a depression. We are in a depression and it will get worse that's the truth. Well how far does the economy have to receed before people wake up to the fact that we are facing some very serious issues we may not be ale to recover from. Some jobs are opening up only because people can not afford to pay the gas prices to work for meagar wages. When you go in debit to work, working at just a job does not make sense anymore you really have to be picky for your own good.

      Labor statistics lie they only account for the people that just got laid off and file for unemployment benifits. They don't account for those who have run out of benifits or are liveing on the streets. They don't account for those on welfare or those who apply for welfare that have to wait months to qualify for help they need right away. Most people magicaly disappear. Are arrested for loitering are shifted, and moved, or die under a bridge, but we won't see them because they are well hidden or hide purposely so they won't be harassed or arrested. Chances are you won't go to homeless shelters, and soup lines, because even the best of people when they get dessperate they can get dangerous. Let some one else deal with them- pass the buck. The sad fact is there are not enough resources- bullshznit. Well there would be enough resources to take care of everyone if the poloticaians would give up their million a year pension plans. Which they are already rich so why do they need a pension plan? Over 204 billion dollars has been spent on Iraq and has gone overseas. We need to take care of people at home first. I mean gosh if the millitary is affraid of looseing jobs. There are plenty of demiliterized zones here in the U.S. that need cleaning up.

    It will get bad and the even worse they are expecting to raise gas prices to $5 dollars a gallon then what is stopping them from raising it to ten. All this talk about hydrogen and biofuel is a waste, because hydrogen is $54 dollars a gallon and biofuel eat up food crops so the people would starve. A Network of Public Transit should be first and Non-conbustion electric viehicals should be a secondary. Why not stay at home and work or why not just have companies provide mass transit and houseing for their workers. Seems to me there are plenty of solutions to the problems we are facing, but no one is willing to do the work so a major depression is a fact of life, but we still recovered from the great depression it just might take more work and foreward thinking to recover from this one. Just know there are solutions people just need to wake up to them.

  3. I'm having some of the same fears. I'm planning on raising some of my own food. My family has already reduced some of our living expenses and we're planning on reducing even more. I'm hoping the economy doesn't get worse, but I don't see any hope in the near future. 2D

  4. Agree that your worries are well founded-----the world economy to a great extent is dependent on the U.S.---the fact that we consume more than we produce is and has been our problem for many years--and has been the cause of the loss of our mfg. base.----there has to be an end and who knows how it will end-----our standard of living is being lowered to the level of 3rd world countries because the corporate interests is gaining control every facet of our lives and now it has gone global.As to food, they also are into corporate farming and almost have a monoply on the production and pricing of what we eat---yet they get the benefit of government subsidies----of course the gaining of control began in 1913 when our monetary policy was put in place and it is now coming to an end---one way or the other.

  5. well the only thing that could end the last great depression was WW2 so, were pretty screwed

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