
The Real Dubai???????

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I am concidering going to Dubai for three years as my fiance got a really good job over there but I have heard so many good and bad things about the place. Has anyone ever been there and can they please tell me about their experiences and and about the real Dubai?




  1. just go ,the uk is a third world country compared to the uae and dubai is a place i would love to live in if i had the cash.

  2. I live here... good points..very low crime, excellent shopping, friendly and good customer service, you can go skiing in the mall, dune bashing, water sports, champagne brunches, weather lovely from October to early May.. Bad points are that traffic is terrible and driving dangerous you need to be v careful on the roads, you need a license to by booze (but that's easy) Ramadan is September this year and lasts a month with no eating or drinking at all in public, weather in summer months is filthy hot and averages about 42deg.  Only prob I can see is your visa.  Your fiance will get one with work but as you are not married he cannot sponsor you so you will need your own job to get a residents visa.  When you enter you get a 60 day tourist visa but after that you need a residents visa to stay.  On the whole I really like it here, it has it's little idiosyncasies but it's a cool place.. good luck!! Hope this helps :-)
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