
The bad things about speeding?

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The bad things about speeding?




  1. The faster you go the less time you have to react to unexpected situations.

  2. You could kill someone or yourself

  3. danger to other innocents

  4. I remember a statistic in driving school like, if you are making a 25 mile trip or something around there, every 10 mph you speed up, you are only saving 3 mins but your risk of getting in a crash raises dramatically. there really isn't any point to high speeds. 1. the fatality rate goes up if you get in a crash, 2. your risk of crashing goes up,3. you risk getting pulled over and getting a ticket, and 4. you don't save a whole lot of time.

  5. Hmm... people will think that you're ridiculous when you're out of control...? Yah, I think that will be a good one! Just come to think of it, one person asked me, "Why when I'm driving at a NORMAL speed of 180-200km/h and suddenly apply the brakes, the vehicle won't halt immediately?" I was like thinking, "What the...are you mad or really speed freak?" Insane, isn't it?

  6. Tickets of course.

    Death to you.

    Death to someone else.

    Increased insurance rates.

    Hard on your vehicle.

  7. uhh...Tickets, wrecks.....

  8. you can get a speeding ticket.

    you burn more gas


    it's more fun than driving the speed limit :)~

  9. I know someone who was caught doing 35mph in a 30 zone and he ahad to do a speed awareness course.

  10. If your younger or older speed kills.If your younger your driving skills arn't what you think they are.It can and does change and alter lives .

  11. More the speed,

    less the time to see what's there on road

    less time to react

    and dangerous thing, more distance the car will travel after applying the brake. This causes accidents.

    Consider the persons who lost their loved one in accidents and put your place in their shoes.

    A less important thing should also be mentioned. Average of car found less in high speed and maintenance gets high.

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