
The best way to....?

by  |  earlier

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im eleven..whats the best way to make money?? i want alot of money........ :P




  1. Its great to hear someone at your age is eager to get started making money online!  I would recommend the following:

    1.  Buy a domain

    2.  Setup some hosting

    3.  Create a site about something you truly love and know a lot about (hobby, sport etc.)

    4.  Write content for the site (at least 1 time per day)

    5.  Sign up for Google Adsense (have a parent sign up for you if need be).

    6.  Sign up for (have parent sign up for you if need be.)

    Find products that relate to your website and write reviews, introduce new products, create comparisons for various products.  Add ads from Google Adsense to your site and you'll get paid each time people click on the ads.  Add products from and get paid each time someone makes a purchase.

    I hope this helps you!

    Leona Griffin

  2. Contact me and I'll set you up a site and help you get started for free.

    Go to fill out the forum on the right side of the home page and put att. Janeth.  
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