
The better Pocono race

by Guest56227  |  earlier

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Out of the 2 this year, which one did you enjoy more? I quite enjoyed the outcome of the one yesterday (yes I know I'm slightly biase lol)




  1. i liked this race a LOT but dale finishin 12th and like that...SUCKED

  2. Ya i have to agree it was interesting at the end and you don't always get that so it was nice to see something not different but for the first time in while.

  3. Definitely yesterday too! Pocono, in my opinion, is usually boring. Usually the cars are too spread apart and you just pray for cautions


  5. that was a year ago the other race so i say Sunday's race was better because i can remember it better.

  6. This was better than the one in June. The racing was better, and my fave driver had a great run.. Spun out in lap one, to finishing 4th

  7. I like pretty much every race at Pocono. The only thing I don't like is when the races come down to fuel mileage to determine a winner. But in general I like the demanding drivers tracks and not the same old cookie cutter tracks that aren't that hard to drive

  8. I am a Carl Edwards fan so obviously enjoyed Sunday's race more. There was some good racing and with cars close on fuel it made it even more exciting. For once, the best car won at Pocono Sunday.

  9. this last Pocono race was great. It was interesting to see how close they actually run those cars to the end of the race, with a fuel strategy. It was amazing how many cars ran out of fuel on the last lap. That among other things such as engine RPM vs brake wear, and even pit stops. Pocono is one of my favorites for it's technical challenges. But I was really watching the #8. It was a fun race. Congratulations to the 1st and 2nd place drivers.

  10. I was sitting there during the race thinking [poof] "Yea since Kyle ran out of gas Jr was going to make a huge leap in the points". Then the next thing you know here comes Jr coasting to the finish line out of gas too. It kind of hurt my feelings  him being out of gas too but at least he made it across the finish line.

    It just goes to prove that any time I even think about something bad happening to another driver then it happens to my driver too. I guess I'll never learn.

    So yes the latest Pocono race I enjoyed the most. Thrilling...!!!

  11. The race yesterday was pretty interesting at the end.  Nobody knew who could make it on fuel and who couldn't.  I didn't like harvick finishing above matt lol.  Harvick is a good guy and i like him, but right now he needs a couple bad finishes.  That goes for Bowyer as well.  

  12. I was there yeasterday so I might be biased but the better race was actually back in June.

  13. This one.  Thirty six place is better than 43rd.  ROFL

  14. Yesterday Not just because Carl Edwards but also because of how gas mileage worked out! Some guys coasting across the finish line!  

  15. I never watch more than the first twenty-thirty laps, and then catch the end. It's always a mileage-pit strategy race. Boring.
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