
The bus journey?

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i go to school on a mini-bus. It takes about an hour. I get very bored sometimes. Is there any pranks i could pull to annoy people? for example let angry bees off in the bus or a stinkbomb off?




  1. In Pa., riding a school bus is still a privilage, not a right.  I don't know if that's the case in your state, but be careful, or you will have to ride for that hour with an irate parent.  Also, those bees won't know you from anyone else, and they might even go after you for keeping them captive.  Unless you're hard of smelling, you'll be in the stink too, if you go the stink bomb route.

  2. Don't do that stink bomb because if you do, school bus employees and teachers will suspend you from riding school bus or going to school, including the bees.
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