
The butterfly effect?

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Could someone please explain to me what happened in that movie. What was it about. And how did it end?




  1. a guy(Ashton Kutcher) can go back in time whenever her reads his journals and he hopes that he can change the past, but whenever he goes back things turn out worse then they did the first time. in the end he decides that he will give up his own happiness to save the girl that he loves; at then end of the movie he passes the girl and he recongizes him but keeps on watching. it was ok, it was sad.  

  2. Well I can't explain it but you can read this and see if you understand it more. Oh yeah it has the ending too.

    Hope this helps.

  3. IDK

  4. Why dont you just bloody watch it mate thats just bloody slack. NOBODY TELL HIM he will enjoy the movie as did everyone that saw it

  5. Evan Treborn grows up in a small town with his single working mom and his friends. He suffers from memory blackouts where he suddenly finds himself somewhere else, confused. Evans' friends and mom hardly believe him, thinking he makes it up just to get out of trouble, something bad always seems to happen during these blackouts. As Evan grows up he has less of these blackouts until he seems to have recovered. Since the age of seven he has written a diary of his blackout moments so he can remember what happens. One day at college he starts to read one of his old diaries, and suddenly a flashback hits him like a brick!

  6. Well Ashton Kutcher has a gift tht he can go back and change things from reading his diary that he writes pretty much his whole life in.  And everytime he changes something that happened something else happens and he keeps going back and forth trying to make it perfect but it just keeps getting worse but at the end he gets everything straightened out and i think gets rid of all his diaries (i forgot tho.....)

  7. its about this guy that messed up his past &his best friend/lover died, &then he also had this disease that his father had. the disease was like he couldn't remember things after a while &he would have done bad things ¬ known it. he wrote everyday in his journal since he was a little boy. then one day when he was older, the girl died &he read the journals, and everytime he read the journal, the part he read, it would take him back to that time &every time he went back in time, he tried to change his past so the girl wouldnt die in the future, &taths why its called the butterfly effect. its like "a buttrfly could cause a tornado" or something like that. &then in the end, he had to do something hurtful to himself. he went back in time, &he lost the girl because he went bck to the time they met &he became really mean to her so the girl moved in with her mom far away &didnt have her life spent with him.
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