
The consequence of being cheap....?

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Being cheap has to pay a price..... don't you think so? I was being cheap, and I ended up paying hard financially, emotionally, physically and etc.




  1. I hope this hard lesson will serve you for the rest of your life ; because usually cheap peoples does not change

  2. I agree to your thoughts... one must hold up a better image of himself in public appearance and within the family. Being cheap will just let you down in eyes of others.. it might meet your needs temperorily.. but will not help you in the long run....

  3. I think being cheap has some consequences. You sometimes miss out on life for one because you are so afraid to spend money or do things with money. If you are obviously cheap, people think you are stingy or lower-class. If you opt to buy the cheaper item, sometimes you "get what you pay for" and end up pay far more money, time and hardship as a consequence. I was raised to be cheap because my father was so it was drilled into my head that money was bad. Unfortunately, this trained me ALL money is bad so a good paying job is something I've always avoided. I've always stayed with jobs that paid just enough. Money is bad! They say you should never tell your children "we can't afford it" or "we don't have the money" because you do usually have the money but it needs to go for necessities. Instead say "there are other things we need to spend money on that are more important." I don't know how many times I heard "we can't afford it" and that affected me greatly.  BUT I am the only person I know who is not in debt!

    I think with the way society and the economy are, it's better to be cheap and stay out of debt than to to be the opposite, spend to much and be stressed out all the time from too much irresponsible debt. People who are cheap often have back up money for emergencies. If we learn to balance, we learn to buy quality, not frivolously or wastefully, but still can purchase without guilt or feeling or looking cheap. It's a balancing act and you only live once - it's a short life.

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