
The difference?

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@Ruchjat K---right. This is a first-rate policy of the Indonesian govt.

@Abul Haarith---as usual. V. authentic!




  1. Salam for you dear.

    Rasool or messenger of Allah is a prophet who had  been given holy book by Allah as a life guide eg Daud named Zabur,Musa(Moses) named Torakh or Taurat,Isa or Jesus named Injil (Bible) and the last Muhammad pbuh named Qur'an.Rasool should covey the life guide to his tribe and would  be followerswith peace, except the last rasool  and prophet for all humans  which contained what should be done and what should not be done with its consequences. A prophet is only given the wisdom and taukhid from Allah who should make a good example for his own tribe such as Nuh,Yunus, Hidir,Luth etc.Most prophets had no so many followers. .There were more that 125.000 prophets but they were disclosed in the Qur'an only 29 prophets including rasools.

    Mirza Gulam Ahmad was not a prophet because the last prophet and rasool was Muhammad pbuh. He was only a religion leader (imam) but in Indonesia his followers Ahmadiyyah could not do their  religion activities because their religion is determined misleading.There is no other prophet after him. If he acknowledged himself as the prophet so he was a false prophet.just the same with liar and cruel Dajjals

  2. Messengers and prophets very good topic and question.

    Prophets come with many different gifts and are guided by Gibreal A.s.

    Messengers are sent to send a message or here for a purpose such as Khadir in Al Khaf.  

    313+ prophets

    and over 1400+ messengers have come.

    Prophets are also messengers but messengers are not always prophets.

  3. May Peace Mercy and Blessings of Allah(swt) be on all of you.

    Sister what Ahmadiyas (qadianis) do is that they interchange the meaning of the arabic word'' nabi'' and ''rasool''.

    Gloriour Quran says in Ahzab Ch:33 Verse 40: ''Muhammad (pbuh) is not the father of any of you men but the messenger of Allah and the last(seal) of prophets.

    Now any one who doesnt even know arabic would know that ''Rasool'' is some one who has  been given a sharia(new law).(e.g Moses(pbuh),David(pbuh),Jesus(pbuh),Muha... the message given to a rasool is called''Arsala'. on teh other hand the ''Nabi'' is some one who has not been given and new sharia but is totally following the sharia of the ''Rasool'' came before him.(e.g Usuf(pbuh),Idrees(pbuh).

    Now the most Important thing to note and understand here is that every ''Rasool'' is a ''Nabi''as Rasool is one higher level from Nabi. but not every ''Nabi'' is a ''Rasool''. In other words when ''Arsala(sharia)'' is given to a ''Nabi'' he becomes a 'Rasool''. so to be a Rasool one needs to be a Nabi.

    Therefore when Quran says ''Khataman Nabiyeen'' and Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) says ''La Nabiyya Baadi'', They are killing two birds with one stone. means when there will be no ''Nabi'' surely there will be no''Rasool''(as one has to be a nabi to become a rasool)

    Let me give you a much clear example.

    to become a doctor i Must  pass 1st Gcse then A levels then Mbbs.

    Now if i say that after me there will be no one who will pass Gcse. then this automatically means that after me there will be no one who will pass A levels and Mbbs,

    There fore i dont have to say that there will be no one who will pass A levels and Mbbs after me once i have said that there will be no one who will pass Gcse after me because it will be automatically understood that no gcse,no A levels and no MBBS.

    Similarly when Quran says there will be no Nabi after Muhammad(pbuh) then its automatically understood that no Rasool will come either after Prophet Muhad(pbuh)as rasool is a higher lever and comes after Nabi.

    Ahmadiyas,they substitute the meaning of these two words ''Nabi'' and ''Rasool'' and say that nabi is the one who gets new sharia and is higher then rasool. and rasool is the one who follows the sharia of the previous prophet.which is totally rong as far as the Arabic language is concerned .and is totally against the Quran and authentic hadith(as explained above)

    There are many other contradictions in the actions of Mirza ghulam ahmed as well. one of them is that he did not proclaim to be a rasool straight away.

    1st he called himself as a mujjaddad(the one who revives the deen) then after few years he proclaimed himself as Mehdi. then after few years when his following increased ,he proclaimed himself as a rasool just before his death.

    No rasool or nabi (pbuta) has done that in the past . they all have proclaimed that they are the Prophets of God Almighty straight away once its revealed to them .they did not wait for their following to be increased  before they can change their status slowly and stepwise.

    There are plenty more reasons that would prove that he is not Mehdi,that he is not Isa(as) in his 2nd comming.

    Another reason is that 2nd Comming of Isa (as) is one of the major signs of the hour(Qiamah). Mirza ghulam ahmad has dies more then 100 years ago.

    He has nothing similar to Jesus(pbuh) . so why Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) would prophecise some one who is not like Jesus(pbuh) ,as Jesus(pbuh)?.

    Ahmadiya Also say that If Jesus(pbuh) will come again then he will become the last prophet .the again we will have some one as a prophet comming after Muhammad(pbuh).so why cant Mirza be prophet?

    The answer to this misconception is very easy. Jesus(pbuh) in his scond comming will not be comming as a prophet . he will be comming as an ''Ummati''(follower) of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). his job was finished once he delivered the message to Jews.The contract(metaphorically speaking) was over and the job was done therefore the title was passed to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) to finishe the Job.

    There are many other ways we can prove that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was not Isa ibn Maryam promised by the Quran and the Hadith of Prophet (pbuh).

    May Allah(swt) open their eyes and guid them towards the truth.

    May Peace Mercy and Blessings of Allah(swt) be on all of you.

  4. @Islam Solution for Humanity

    Is it your own conclusion about Isa bin Maryam's demotion or you can back this idea by a credible source.

    Once Allah appoints someone on such rank, He doesnt take it back.

    You are admitting that there is a need for a person as high as a prophet yet he is not a prophet. What a logic!

    Yor are being blasphemous to the Prophet Muhammad (Sallullaho AlaiWasullum) that no Ummati of this most exalted Prophet of Allah is worthy enough to fulfill the job. Allah needs to borrow a Prophet (at a lower rank of just a teacher) from out side Ummat e Muhammadiyya. A person who was called Wa Rasoolun Ila Bani Israel in the Quarn.

    Yout interpretation are contradictory to Quarn and blasphemous to Allah (swt) and his most revered Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

    May Allah have mercy on you and you stop misleading innocent people.

  5. Allah (swt) supported his prophet Muhammad (saw) with the Prophethood seal STAMPED on his shoulder, why just ignoring this fact?

  6. a rasul God sends him the holly book.

    nabi just reminds people.

  7. 1)a rasul has a book with him but a nabi does not...

    2) all rasuls are nabis but not all nabis are rasuls

    3) rasuls have a higher status than nabis

  8. Mirza is not a prophet, he is some crazy guy that mislead hundreds of thousands of idiots into believeing he is jesus and the mahdi.

    a prophet brings a message but a messenger recieved revelation like jesus (Pbuh) did and prophet muhammad (pbuh) and moses (pbuh)

  9. Most Muslims think that the difference was that the Messengers came with a book, but this is not correct. If it were we would ask what book did Ismael or Noah or Ibrahim have. Instead the difference is that One was sent to a people who believed in Allah and the other was sent to a people who did not.

    The well-known difference between a Prophet and a Messenger is that:-

    A Messenger is one to whom a law is revealed and he is commanded to convey it, whilst :-

    A Prophet is one to whom a law is revealed but he is not commanded to convey it.

    [see the Quran Aal-E-Imran Chapter:03 , Verse:81]

    But this distinction is not free of problems, because a Prophet is also commanded to call people, convey the Message and judge among the people.

    Hence Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: The correct view is that the Messenger is one who is sent to a disbelieving people, and the Prophet is one who is sent to a believing people with the sharee'ah of the Messenger who came before him, to teach them and judge between them, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    "Verily, We did send down the Tawraat (Torah) [to Moosa (Moses)], therein was guidance and light, by which the Prophets, who submitted themselves to Allaah's Will, judged for the Jews" [al-Maa'idah 5:44]

    So the Prophets of the Children of Israel judged by the Tawraat which Allah had revealed to Moosa.

    With regard to the aayah,

    "but he(Mohamed) is the Messenger of Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets" [al-Ahzaab 33:40]

    and why it did not say the last of the Messengers - the end of the Message does not mean the end of Prophet-hood, but the end of Prophet-hood does mean the end of the Message. Hence the Prophet (pbuh) said:

    "There will be no Prophet after me," and he did not say, there will be no Messenger after me.

    Thus we know that there is no Messenger and no Prophet after him (pbuh); he was the last of the Prophets and of the Messengers, (pbuh).

  10. Salam sis,

    It's in the middle of the night right now where 1qfactor lives, so he'll be here later Inshallah!

    Edit: the question you gave a link to is deleted

  11. Let's talk logic.  Do we agree that Islam is a logical religion?  Do we agree the Qur'an is completely logical?

    Read Ch. 72, Verse 27-28 (Ahmadis count Bismillah as a verse as it was revealed):

    "He does not grant anyone ascendancy over His domain of the unseen, EXCEPT HIM whom He chooses as His Messenger" (emphasis mine)

    The word "Rasul" has been used here, which means that "IF Allah reveals grants ascendancy over His domain of the unseen to someone, THEN he is a Rasul."  As all Nabis are granted ascendancy over His domain of the unseen (i.e., they make prophecies which cannot be known to mere men), THEN ALL Nabis ARE Rasul. This is a logical statement, based on the Qur'an itself. Plenty of examples where Nabis excercise knowledge over the unseen.  Right? But Allah just said ONLY RASULS HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNSEEN. Hence, Rasul = Nabi. The distinction is set up by clerics to back their beliefs, and does not originate in the Qur'an.

    This one verse should be sufficient for earnest seekers after truth. But there are many, many more, if you like...

    ILLOGICAL: Jesus comes back to earth in this age, after Prophet Muhammad (sa), yet clerics argue "no prophet will come after Muhammad".

    ILLOGICAL: Imam Mahdi is raised by Allah ta'la, but he is not a prophet, just a pious person who will be revealed the unseen (ref above verse) and act completely like a prophet, with prophecies and all, but not be one. This view is completely contradictory to the Qur'anic verse above. Ahmadis never contradict the Qur'an in their positions, but here, you must admit -- and sadly, so many sunni/shia clerics believe -- that the Qur'an contains contradictions and certain verses cancel others. Ahmadis do NOT believe this! We believe its perfect and our commentaries prove it. Other Muslims actually hold the belief the Qur'an is not perfect, another belief which clearly contradicts the Qur'an ("This is a perfect book." Al Baqarah)

    LOGICAL: Prophets can come after Rasul Allah (sa) and one already has - Imam Mirza Ghulam Ahmad alayhis salaam. Peace be on those who follow the guidance.

  12. Prophet and Messenger:

    Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him):

    “A Prophet (Nabi) is one to whom Allaah reveals (yanbi’uhu) something, and he passes on what Allaah has reveals to him. If he is sent with that to those who go against the commandments of Allaah, to convey a message from Allaah to them, then he is a Messenger. But if he follows a sharee’ah that came before him, and is not himself sent to anyone to convey the message from Allaah to them, then he is a Prophet and not a Messenger…” (al-Nubuwwaat, p. 255)


    Are the Prophets mentioned in the saying of Allaah, the Most High: “Verily, We have inspired you (O Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)) as We inspired Nooh…", Messengers or not? And who is the first Messenger?


    The Prophets mentioned in the saying of Allaah, the Most High: “Verily, We have inspired you (O Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)) as We inspired Nooh and the Prophets after him.” - An-Nisaa’ (4):163

    The ones who are mentioned in the context of the saying of Allaah, the Most High, are all Messengers: “Messengers as bearers of good news as well as of warning in order that mankind should have no plea against Allaah after the Messengers.” - An-Nisaa’ (4):165

    And all the Prophets who are mentioned in the Qur’aan are Messengers because of the saying of Allaah, the Most High: “And, indeed We have sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)); of some of them We have related to you their story and of some We have not related to you their story.” - Ghaafir (40):78

    And the first of the Messengers is Nooh and the last of them is Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) because of the saying of Allaah, the Most High: “As We inspired Nooh and the Prophets after him.” - An-Nisa (4):163

    And it is established in a hadeeth regarding intercession that the people will come to Nooh and they will say to him: “You are the first Messenger that Allaah sent to mankind.”

    And to the saying of Allaah, the Most High about Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allaah and the last (end) of the Prophets.” - Al-Ahzaab (33):40

    And if Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was the last of the Prophets, then he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was also the last of the Messengers for there is no Messengership without Prophethood and to this it is said: “Every Messenger is a Prophet but not every Prophet is a Messenger.”

    Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen

    Majmoo' Fatawaa wa Rasa'il - Volume One, Number 122

  13. Dear Sister Maryam.  Regarding your hadeeth about the 30 grand liars, one of our fellow Y/A members already asked this question yesterday and I addressed it in detail.;...

    Regarding your question about Hazrat Ahmad (as) being a Nabi and Rasool, you haven't provided any difference that there Nabi and Rasool are two different titles.  We consider them synonyms.

    Some state that a Nabi brings a book or shariah and a rasool only conveys a message.  However we know for a fact that Hazrat Isa broght no new Shariah, and came under the shariah of musa (as), and yet Allah calls him a Nabi and a Rasool in the Holy Qur'an.

    Maryam Chapter 19 : Verse 31

    Jesus said, 'I am a servant of Allah. He has given me the Book, and has made me a Prophet;

    Al-Ma'idah Chapter 5 : Verse 76

    The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a Messenger; surely Messengers like unto him had passed away before him.

    Furthermore, the Hadeeth say that the Messiah will be Nabi'Ullah.  In a Hadith recorded by Muslim, the Promised Messiah, who was to appear, has been given the title "Nabi Ullah" (Prophet of Allah) FOUR times! (Saheeh Muslim, vol. 2, Chapter: Zikr-ud- Dajjaal)

    This is an authentic, Sahi Muslim hadeeth.

    Hence this is ample evidence that Allah swt and the Prophet (sa) of Allah swt considered Nabi and Rasool to be interchangable terms.  Otherwise, why would Allah swt give Isa (as) both titles?  Because he brought the Injeel?  The Injeel was still not a new Shariah.  There was nothing outside the Shariah of Musa (as) that Isa (as) brought.

    Similarly, Hazrat Ahmad (as) wrote over 80 books, but nothing was outside the Qur'an or new aside from the Qur'an.  He brought no Shariah or law either.  Hazrat Daud (as) brought Zabur but that wasn't outside of the Shariah of Musa (as) either.  So to say that those who bring books are Nabi's doesn't make sense either becuase plenty of Prophets brough books but taught nothing advanced than what the original Shariah bringing prophet taught.

    Hence, we consider Hazrat Ahmad (as) to be a Nabi and a Rasool, just as the Qur'an and the Hadeeth teach.


    @Dear Sister Maryam - your second link is also a non working link

    love for all, hatred for none
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