
The emo song?

by Guest33481  |  earlier

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Hello all, I'm trying to write an emo song. Don't ask me why, I'm not emo, but I just thought this might be something fun for me to do (Not that cutting yourself is funny)

Here's what I got so far

You think life isn't worth living

Oh the pain you feel inside

You spend your days cutting

While thoughts of suicide

Fill your mind

What can I add on to it? How can I improve what I have already?

If you can give a few suggestions, it would be much appreciated.


Alexander M.




  1. I find it easier to write poems in 3rd speech and to only ryme the 2nd and 4th lines.


    He closed his eyes and saw the truth

    Lingering just nearby

    From his cheek fell the last tear

    Anyone had seen him cry

  2. Leave emo people alone what did they ever do to you?

  3. u shouldnt ask how to write it "emo" songs are from the  heart

    so u just have to use deep emotion

    and wat u have written so far is ok-ish but it is all stereotype!

    not wat real"emos" do

    yes some do but sayin all emos cut and r depressed/suicidel is like sayin all blondes are stupid and S****y.

  4. emo.....what is it with the emo culture these days.

    claiming you're emo is like saying i'm a silly teen that loves to stereotype myself.

    yay! i'm emo! look at me people! i'm fuggin emo!! woohoo!

    anyways.....i think this is just pointless.

    sorry, had to rant for a second. have a nice day.

  5. If Your Going To Write About Suicide/ Cutting.

    It's About Suicide/Cutting.

    If You're Writing An "Emo Song"

    It Should Be PURELY About The Emo StereoType.

    It Should Be Amusing.

  6. with thoughts of suicide.  then cut the line after it


    breathing down your body.  blood spilled brutality you seek this reality.  wait a minute while i kiss

    hush hush don't you miss

    oh now wait let's get this straight

    you're not missing this debate

  7. im not sure.but here is the original emo song.maybe it will help you
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