
The friends i have in school...?

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i know i have a lot of different friends...but

..what's the difference between a mere acquaintance, close friend and best friend and a true friend.?..WHich is better to have?

And where does this guy friend of mine stand?

He is like a brother to me becuz he is protective and we occasionally tease each other. We even have special nicknames for each other. He is my favorite AIM buddy(only becuz we talk online more than in person)..and we have had many DEEP meaningful conversations and i tell him things i do not tell anyone else. We have been in MANY arguments(fighting only makes a friendship closer right?) to the point where we hurt each other emotionally and really badly. We are unlike in personality which may cause the arguing but we learn about life and about each other this way. Even after the fights we manage not to hate each other.=) However, we do not hangout much and we have different groups of friends and friendship is supposed to be two-way and i mostly initiate convos and hangouts...but despite that, he's one of the few who take notice when something is bothering me and tries to help as much as possible.

And is it possible to consider someone the most important bestest friend u ever had but they only consider YOU a close friend and has many other CLOSER ppl.?




  1. Ok in my opinion, it is best to have a few freinds but have at least one true friend whom you trust with your life.

    It is possible to consider someone your best friend even if they have many closer people. That is the story of my life right there

  2. an acquaintance is someone you know, but don't really hang out with.

    a close friend is someone you can talk to often.

    a best friend is someone who you can talk to and hang out with.

    and a true friend is someone who is always there for you, and will tell you the truth even if it means saying you're wrong.

    true friends are the best to have.

    It seems like you have a close friendship with this guy, which is good, but you also have to be careful. the fact that you fight a lot can lead to a lot of pain down the road.

  3. Ok first question...........A close friend is a best friend and if its your best friend then most likely there a true friend meaning a close friend...meaning all of the above..

    Question 2...........Sounds like your boyfriend

  4. um O-K.

    Acquaintance: Somebody you just work with or don't really speak to on a regular basis. don't really have a deep or friend leveled relationship with them.

    Close Friend and Best Friend: those two fall into the same category to me, because how can you have best friend which means your friend is just the best for everything, but have a close friend but not be a best friend at the same time?

    all this is pretty much self explanitory. you boyfriend is a friend and a boyfriend at the same time. you guys are just close, thats all it is. why are you trying to seperate it and try to put it into categories. hes just your boyfriend.

  5. A "mere acquaintance" is someone that u talk 2 sometimes, but isn't a friend 2 u. A close friend is someone that ur close 2, but isn't exactly a best best best friend. A best friend is just ur closest friend. A true friend is someone who stands by u all the time and someone that u feel u could say things 2 that u wouldn't say 2 other ppl.

    Ur guy friend is probably just a close friend. He COULD be a best friend but u said that u don't hang out much. (same with me and somebody else that i know) I agree about the fighting, u can usually tell when a friendship is either EXTREMELY close or EXTREMELY just not right. u guys r obviously very close friends. DEEP meaningful conversations?! that sez it ALL! i have this guy friend too. we have the weirdest nicknames and conversations as well. =)

    that is VERY possible. one of my CLOSE friends considers me her best friend becuz she doesn't have a lot of true friends. but she is definitely not a best friend 2 me becuz i have many friends that r better than her.

    hope i helped!

    star 4 u! =D

  6. confusing

  7. i can't believe i actually read all of that :D

    anyways ya i think you can consider a person your BEST friend

    even if they don't consider you that

    unless your gonna get mad/sad

    cause they don't consider you that

    then I'd say no

    but my answer right now is yes

  8. that guy sounds like a close friend.

    aqquentice is someone who you talk to a bit and stuff but you don't tell them your secrets, don't really call them or hang out after school and only really call them a friend at school.

    true friend is someone who is loyal and true. best friend should be the same.

  9. An acquaintance is someone you know at school but don't do anything with them outside of school. A close friend is someone who cares about you and not what you'll do for them. And a true friend is a step above that meaning they'd do anything for you. And it's best to have true friends. I would consider your guy friend a very close acquaintance. And yes it's possible to consider it.

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