
The future with out recycling?

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how would our planet look if we didnt recycle??

and do you have any pics as examples

or a wedsite that i could look at!!





  1. maybe if that happens.. We will be experiencing a total disaster, a CRISIS. There will be a shortage with our gasses commonly Oxygen because recycling is done to enumerate or to produce a Carbon Dioxide which the plants breaths to produce Oxygen. If there will be no Recycling. Oxygen will be seriously loss. and all of us living in this earth will die immediately. A much seriously terryfying Global Warming will exist even more.

  2. Any picture of Newark (New Jersey) will do the job.

  3. Did you know in italy currently, the mob is refusing to pick up the trash, it's scattered in piles on many streets and curbs

  4. To "see" what the earth would look like without recycling, one need only go back a decade or two, in most places....and take a look at what used to fill our dumps.   Recycling programs take some of the materials that would otherwise be wasted, and makes use of them for other products.  Not always has this been done.   Many of our communities sit on or near old landfills, with our soil, our water, our homes and our bodies polluted by the material that filled them in the past.

    One only has to look in a local landfill to see how much more could be done.  While often a large amount of material is recycled, many places have limited recycling programs....meaning much improvement could be made in making use of more and more recycled materials.

    There are still places on this earth of ours that do not have efficient garbage removal or have no recycling programs.   If you travel to one of these places, you will see garbage on the  streets, plastic, glass and immense amounts of recyclable materials filling the dumps.   Want a photo of what this looks like?  Simply find photos of roadsides or landfills in developing or poor countries....and you will find plenty of illustrations of what NO recycling looks like.

  5. i dont have pics but there would be land fills everywhere we would have alot more polution and there woul be trtash everywhere and i mean EVERYWHERE! in parks, the ocean, forrests, much like in nmew york...

  6. i dont have pictures but if u imagine it....the whole place would be a giant dumpster with many landfills

  7. i think the planet would look pretty much the same as it does now.

    because we'd still be sending all the garbage to dumps, which contrary to popular belief, are not totally full up to the point where we have a crisis.

    however it would just be really wasteful to have a nice plastic bottle sitting around for hundreds of years in a dump then becoming someone's nice new nylon stockings.

  8. Just imagine the worst looking garbage dump..........................

  9. it would look way trashier than it already is. like an enormous dump

  10. go watch the movie Ideocracy! very interesting movie and in the beggining it shows the biggest garbage dump! go watch it trust me, youll love it! i did!

  11. Ok I would help you.

    But that is just too horrid to think of...

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